RPEC_2014_v2020 Model Implementation Tool
Based on work performed by Bob Howard, a former member of RPEC, the SOA developed a spreadsheet-based program that allows users to create a customized mortality improvement scale using the RPEC_2014 model. The RPEC_2014_v2020 model found here is a new version of the tool updated by the SOA and RPEC to reflect historical U.S. mortality experience through 2018. The tool can be used to model different assumption sets while utilizing the same methodology underpinning the development of Scale MP-2020.
Mortality Improvement Scale MP-2020
The workbook uses macros. Some companies may have technology policies that could disallow access to the workbook.
The Society of Actuaries does not warrant this tool as fit for use in any respect, and no warranty whatsoever should be assumed or implied by any individual of this product or its fitness for any particular purpose. Actuaries, insurers, regulators and other parties use this tool at their own risk. The SOA disclaims all responsibility for any party’s use or misuse of its tools and for any work product generated through use or misuse of the tools.
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