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Undeniable Synergy - A Discussion on the Chief Modeling Officer Role with Van Beach

"Given today’s environment, the trajectory of modeling technologies and applications, and the mission-critical nature of modeling within insurance organizations, the time has come for the chief modeling officer. " What's the role description for a chief modeling officer? What is the organizational structure and institutional benefits for this role? Listen now as April Shen, FSA, MAAA interviews Van Beach, FSA, MAAA on the role of Chief Modeling Officer in insurance companies.

Van Beach has been an open advocate for the Chief Modeling Officer who leads the team of modeling actuaries, business analysts, IT professionals, and data scientists responsible for efficient and effective delivery of model results and analytics. If that team is doing their job well, then the business actuaries are enabled to do what they do best—lead with confidence.

In this podcast, we discuss the operational modeler and the business modeler in the framework of chief modeling officer organization, the terms which delineate between someone who is responsible for producing modeling results versus someone who defines and interprets the model results, and then makes decisions based off those results.