Past President and Chair | Timothy Rozar

John RobinsonTimothy L. Rozar, FSA, MAAA, CERA
Past President and Chair, Society of Actuaries



Tim Rozar is Senior Vice President and Chief of Staff to the CEO at RGA Reinsurance Company (RGA). His responsibilities include leading enterprise strategy development and execution; environmental, social, and governance (ESG) strategy; and corporate communications. Prior to his current role, he launched and served as CEO of RGAX, an Insurtech accelerator and innovation lab. Rozar was previously RGA’s Global Head of Research and Data Analytics, overseeing predictive analytics, biometric research, strategic research, and actuarial experience analysis, and he has also led RGA’s U.S. product development and management information teams.

Rozar has served as a member of the SOA Board of Directors, as chair of the Product Development Section Council and InsurTech Task Force, and as a member of the Research Executive Committee, Technology Section Council, and Committee on Life Insurance Research. Rozar is currently on the Board of Directors of the United Way of St. Louis, the National Leadership Council of Maryville University, and the advisory board of The Longer Life Foundation, and has previously served on the Board of Directors of Junior Achievement of Greater St. Louis, and as President of the St. Louis Actuaries Club.


Watch Tim Rozar’s speech from the 2024 SOA ImpACT Conference.


Watch Tim Rozar’s speech from the 2023 SOA ImpACT Conference.