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Centers of Actuarial Excellence (CAE) - Benefits

Benefits of the CAE designation to the university include:

  • Selection as a Center of Actuarial Excellence gives a university the ability to use the CAE designation and the CAE logo in its promotional materials.
  • Reimbursement of fees for three individual student preliminary exam registrations each academic year.
    • Exams must be taken between July 1 – June 30
    • Eligible exams include: SRM, ALTAM, ASTAM, FAM, FAM-L, and FAM-S
  • Participation in one of the following programs each academic year:
  • SOA's promotion of Centers of Actuarial Excellence through the Web site, articles and other means.

In addition, CAE status:

  • Assures prospective students that they will be well prepared for actuarial practice
  • Assures employers that graduates have successfully completed a rigorous educational program and are prepared for professional practice
  • Assures alumni that the school maintains high standards for its actuarial science program, and that future graduates are prepared to address the challenges of tomorrow

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