Annoucement: SOA releases February 2025 New ASA's and CERA's

Actuarial Books

The Society of Actuaries (SOA) publishes actuarial science textbooks on a variety of professional interest topics. Authors are subject matter experts in their respective fields. To purchase a book, either click on the "Purchase" link corresponding to the book or fill out an order form.

New Publication

US GAAP for Insurers, third edition

US GAAP for Insurers
Available for purchase

Robert G. Frasca and Mark J. Freedman, Editors. 2024. 768 pages.


The SOA offers US GAAP for Insurers, the third edition, which significantly revises the second edition from 2006 (titled US GAAP for Life Insurers). US GAAP for Insurers offers a comprehensive analysis of US Generally Accepted Accounting Principles. The third edition’s scope has expanded to cover property and casualty insurance and is designed to assist actuaries, accountants and other professionals who help prepare and review insurance company financial statements submitted in accordance with GAAP.

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$285 Online eBook
$310 Online eBook + Softcover
$335 Online eBook + Hardcover

Financial Reporting

International Financial Reporting for Insurers

R. Thomas Herget, Mike Lockerman and James B. Milholland, Editors. 2023. 408 pages.

The International Financial Reporting for Insurers (IFRI) book is a collaborative effort by actuaries and accountants to assist in understanding the concepts behind financial reporting under the International Financial Reporting Standards®(IFRS®) issued in May 2017: It has been updated to include amendments through June 2022. The IFRI book, written by North American authors, offers a comprehensive analysis that focuses on accounting for the entire insurance entity, not just its insurance contract. IFRI offers 408 pages of material, plus five product-specific Excel workbooks to amplify the principles covered in the book.

Free amendment updates with Online eBook.

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$249 Online eBook
$274 Online eBook + Softcover
$299 Online eBook + Hardcover

General Insurance Financial Reporting Topics, Fifth Edition

Society of Actuaries. 2021. 479 pages.

This text presents a variety of financial reporting topics that are important to general insurance actuaries. It covers a review of basic accounting concepts, key topics from U.S. statutory accounting for general insurers, the measurement of the financial health of general insurers, Statement of Actuarial Opinion and federal income taxes for general insurers. The fifth edition’s major revisions are that it now includes a summary of the NAIC Annual Statement and a review of accounting transactions with direct charges and credits to surplus; it was rewritten to follow the current Schedule F (from the NAIC’s 2018 revision); the section on risk-adjusted returns was significantly revised; and it was updated to be current with the NAIC RBC calculation.



General Topics

Loss Models: From Data to Decisions, Fifth Edition  

Stuart A. Klugman, Harry H. Panjer, Gordon E. Willmot. 2019. 552 pages.


This edition provides updated material for the revised Short-Term and Long-Term Actuarial Mathematics exams (STAM and LTAM). It provides techniques to use loss data to build models for assessing risks of any kind. The accompanying Solutions Manual provides detailed solutions to the book’s many exercises, some of which are drawn from past SOA examinations.

Note: The SOA has partnered with the publisher of Loss Models: From Data to Decisions, John Wiley & Sons Inc.,, to secure a SOA member discount for this book and other professional development books published by Wiley. (The discount applies ONLY to books published by Wiley.) The 15 percent discount should calculate upon checkout. If this discount does not appear, SOA members should enter discount code "SOAMB." 

$160 Textbook
$40 Solutions Manual

Enterprise Risk Management for Small- and Medium-Sized Enterprises  

Jeyaraj (Jay) Vadiveloo, Editor. 2015. 165 pages.


This book explores enterprise risk management (ERM) in a comprehensive manner for small- and medium-sized businesses. A reference tool for providing education and training for small business owners, it can help corporations improve their overall ERM practices by focusing on developing ERM principles for the various enterprises supporting them. It also serves as a textbook for students.


Understanding Actuarial Practice  

Stuart A. Klugman, Jeffrey A. Beckley, Patricia L. Scahill, Matthew C. Varitek and Toby A. White. 2012. 509 pages.


This book focuses on fundamentals of actuarial practice, including finance, life insurance and annuities, retirement benefits, and health insurance.


What Do You Think? Preparing for the Question That All Clients Ask  

Bradley M. Smith. 2010. 109 pages.


This book focuses on actuarial consulting, including how to succeed with a career, insights on leadership and management, and other career information.


Understanding Actuarial Management: The Actuarial Control Cycle, Second Edition  

Clare Bellis, Richard Lyon, Stuart Klugman and John Shepherd, Editors. 2010. Co-published by the Society of Actuaries and the Institute of Actuaries of Australia. 603 pages.


This book examines how actuaries contribute to the design, construction and ongoing management of systems that provide a wide range of financial services.


Actuarial Mathematics, Second Edition  

Newton L. Bowers Jr., Hans U. Gerber, James C. Hickman, Donald A. Jones and Cecil J. Nesbitt, Editors. 1997. 753 pages.  

This book looks at how to assess vulnerability in the pricing structures of all lines of insurance, employee benefits and other forms of contingent payments. This edition adapts the fundamentals of actuarial science to be current with changing realities.




Insurance Industry Mergers & Acquisitions  

Tom Herget and Jim Toole, Editors. 2005. 479 pages.

This book provides an in-depth look at the entire mergers and acquisitions (M&A) process, from financing to due diligence to tax and accounting issues to post-acquisition integration. It also contains a wealth of information on insurance M&A transactions.


Financial Economics: With Applications to Investments, Insurance and Pensions  

Harry Panjer, Editor. 1998. The Actuarial Foundation. 659 pages.

This book examines financial markets, derivative securities, interest rate risk and immunization, equilibrium pricing, no-arbitrage pricing theory, options and other derivatives, term structure models, portfolio selection, and investment return models.



General Insurance

Fundamentals of General Insurance Actuarial Analysis, Second Edition.

Jacqueline Friedland. 2022. 1433 pages.

This text introduces the commonly used, basic approaches for reserving and ratemaking in general insurance. It can be viewed as the next step in a progression from the mathematical content of the preliminary examinations to the mixture of theory and practice in the Fundamentals of Actuarial Practice course to a practice-oriented approach. Professionalism requirements are interspersed throughout, setting a context for the work that actuaries perform.



Life Insurance

Life Insurance & Modified Endowments Under Internal Revenue Code Sections 7702 and 7702A, Second Edition

Chris DesRochers, John T. Adney, Brian King and Craig Springfield. 2015. 489 pages.


This text looks at Internal Revenue Code Sections 7702 and 7702A, including calculations, adjusting the limitations of the sections, statutory effective dates, product-specific issues, long-term care insurance riders and accelerated death benefits, failed contracts, tax law limitations on life insurance, and tax policy.

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A Comprehensive Guide to Measuring and Managing Life Insurance Company Expenses

Sam Gutterman. 2007. 463 pages.


This reference book provides in-depth knowledge necessary to build more accurate and sophisticated expense models, particularly those with forward-looking properties such as principle-based valuation, cash flow testing, and risk analysis.


Life Contingencies  

C.W. Jordan. 2003. 387 pages.

This book examines how the systematic analysis of the contingencies of human life forms the foundation of an actuary's work. In the solution of problems involving these contingencies, the actuary requires some type of quantitative measure of their effects. Financial problems require also a set of principles by which the measurements may be combined with interest functions to produce monetary values.


Life Insurance Products and Finance

D.B. Atkinson and J.W. Dallas. 2000. 1021 pages.

This book focuses on product development fundamentals, product pricing, and modeling and finance.




The Fundamentals of Pension Mathematics, Revised Edition

Barnet N. Berin. 1989. 139 pages.

This book develops a blend of theory and practice to indicate how this theoretical and practical skill can be applied, recognizing the capability of computers and the types of questions asked of the actuary.
