Annoucement: SOA releases February 2025 New ASA's and CERA's

Projected Changes in Insurability and Affordability of Insurance Coverages due to Climate Change


Michael M. Hall, FCAS, MAAA
Risk & Regulatory Consulting

David Heppen, FCAS, MAAA
Risk & Regulatory Consulting


The Society of Actuaries Catastrophe/Climate Strategic Research Program engaged Risk & Regulatory Consulting LLC (RRC) to conduct research on the projected changes in insurability and affordability of insurance coverages due to climate change. This report summarizes research results. Information regarding RRC can be found on their website at


Projected Changes in Insurability and Affordability of Insurance Coverages due to Climate Change


The researchers’ deepest gratitude goes to those without whose efforts this project could not have come to fruition: the Project Oversight Group and others for their diligent work overseeing questionnaire development, analyzing and discussing respondent answers, and reviewing and editing this report for accuracy and relevance.

Project Oversight Group members:

Jack Angert, FSA, CERA, MAAA

Margaret Conroy, FCAS, PhD., MAAA

Sophie Feng, ASA, CERA, ACIA

Michael Fung, FSA, CERA

Bryan Liu, ASA, ACIA

Didier Serre, FSA

Mickell Shults, ASA, MAAA, FCA

Sze Won Tan, ASA

Remi Villeneuve, FSA, FCIA

Yue Zhang, ASA


At the Society of Actuaries:

R. Dale Hall, FSA, MAAA, CERA, CFA, Managing Director of Research

Rob Montgomery, ASA, MAAA, FLMI, Consultant – Research Project Manager

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