Editor's Corner
By Tom Vicente
In the Public Interest, March 2021
Welcome to the March Edition of In the Public Interest, the newsletter of the Social Insurance and Public Finance Section. In this edition we present an article covering some recent research on cost sharing features in public sector pension plans. Through program descriptions and a number of examples, the authors look at various approaches and how the features might work in an actual pension program. The article highlights some of the creative approaches to problem solving that actuaries in the Social Insurance and Public Finance arena have developed over time.
Our section strives to look at the challenges facing public pension, health and social insurance programs and their sponsors as we move through this volatile period. In order to help continue that conversation the SI&PF Section is going to sponsor a “Call for Essays” contest in the near future. We will be looking for thoughtful, innovative ideas for how actuaries would suggest we manage and move through the significant obstacles presented by the current environment. The contest will focus on different aspects of the issues facing social insurance or other public health and retirement programs today. Keep an eye out for the announcement and we look forward to your submissions.
The SI&PF Section is working to serve our members, providing ongoing podcasts, and periodic webcasts on timely subjects. This newsletter is part of that effort and an important way for us to share new thoughts and ideas across our membership. Let us know what you are encountering and how you are helping to solve emerging issues.
Tom Vicente, FSA, EA, MAAA, is a senior consulting actuary at Bolton. He can be reached at tvicente@boltonusa.com.