As part of the Society of Actuaries Research Institute’s Aging and Retirement Strategic Research Program, you'll find links on this page to studies, tables, reports and documents on retirement plans, as well as mortality and longevity statistics as they relate to these programs. Helpful tools link to a longevity illustrator and a multi-employer plan metrics calculator.
Retirement Plans Research
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Experience Studies
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Mortality Improvement Scale MP-2021
This annual update to RPEC’s mortality improvement scales reflects historical U.S. population mortality experience through 2019.
Annuity Factor Calculator

The Society of Actuaries (SOA) developed the Annuity Factor Calculator to calculate an annuity factor using user-selected annuity forms, mortality tables and projection scales commonly used for defined benefit pension plans in the United States or Canada.
Multiemployer Resources
Access the actuarial profession’s resources on U.S. multiemployer pension plans.
Variable Uninsured (Value) Life Annuities
Value Annuities are an approach to provide lifetime income in social retirement systems. This report and the accompanying models show how this approach can work and illustrates case studies of implementing in retirement systems using India and Malaysia as examples.
SOA Research Institute on GitHub
Visit the SOA Research Institute’s GitHub overview page to access repositories for code from research projects. The SOA’s general GitHub page is also available.