Society of Actuaries Releases 2024 Diversity Report

December 13, 2024, Chicago, IL—The Society of Actuaries (SOA) has released its 2024 Diversity Report as part of its efforts to cultivate a diverse and inclusive profession. Through tracking, monitoring and communicating progress, the SOA hopes to raise awareness of its diversity and inclusion efforts, while providing transparency on key member and candidate demographics. The report provides comprehensive data spanning 2021 through June 2024, offering valuable insights.

The SOA is committed to ensuring that all members and candidates experience full inclusion and equitable opportunities for entry, development, growth, and success within the actuarial profession. The SOA Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee (DEIC) works in close partnership with SOA leadership and staff to advance the profession by strengthening the actuarial talent pipeline by supporting underrepresented groups and promoting diversity focused research to benefit society.

“Diversity strengthens the actuarial profession, enabling our members to bring varied perspectives to the complex challenges actuaries solve,” said Greg Heidrich, CEO. “Our 2024 Diversity Report not only tracks our progress but reaffirms our commitment to creating a more diverse and inclusive future for the actuarial profession.”

Since 2015, the SOA has been collecting racial, gender, and ethnic demographic data, provided voluntarily by its members and candidates. This data includes both aspiring actuaries and those who hold ASA or FSA designations. The SOA's diversity demographic data offers insights into:

  • Overall membership for both the United States and worldwide;
  • New members in the United States;
  • New candidates to the examination pathway in the United States, and;
  • Volunteer and leadership participation worldwide.

A new addition to the report this year is an appendix that outlines the percent of all U.S. members and candidates who reported their race/ethnicity as Black, Hispanic, Native American, and/or Asian, including those who selected two or more options.

For further information, please visit the SOA's Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion page. We invite all our members and candidates to help improve the accuracy of our candidate and member data by updating their demographic information in their membership profiles.

The SOA invites you to explore the report and join in the ongoing journey toward a more diverse & inclusive profession.

About the Society of Actuaries

With roots dating back to 1889, the Society of Actuaries (SOA) is the world’s largest actuarial professional organization, with more than 33,000 actuaries as members. Through research and education, the SOA’s mission is to advance actuarial knowledge and enhance actuaries’ ability to provide expert advice and relevant solutions for financial, business, and societal challenges. The SOA’s vision is for actuaries to be the leading professionals in measuring and managing risk. To learn more, visit