Pub-2016 Public Retirement Plans Mortality Tables Exposure Draft
January 2025
Society of Actuaries Research Institute
Retirement Plans Experience Committee (RPEC)
The Society of Actuaries Research Institute’s Retirement Plans Experience Committee (RPEC) has released an exposure draft of the Pub-2016 Public Retirement Plans Mortality Tables. The primary focus of this study was a comprehensive review of recent mortality experience of public retirement plans in the United States.
The exposure draft report can be found below under "Materials". Also included below are two Excel files containing the Pub-2016 amount-weighted and Pub.H-2016 headcount-weighted mortality rates.
The SOA Research Institute solicits comments on this exposure draft. Comments should be sent to by March 31, 2025. Please include "Pub-2016 Comments" in the subject line.
Pub-2016 Public Retirement Plans Mortality Tables Report – Exposure Draft
Pub-2016 Amount-Weighted Mortality Rates
Pub.H-2016 Headcount-Weighted Mortality Rates
The SOA and LIMRA are grateful for the assistance of the National Association of State Retirement Administrators (NASRA) and the National Conference on Public Employee Retirement Systems (NCPERS) for their work in promoting the study and distributing the data request package.
Forty-one public pension systems across the United States provided data for this project, and RPEC would like to thank these systems for making their data available for study. In particular, the Committee would like to express its gratitude to those who worked to compile the submissions and respond to data questions, many of which were detailed and required extensive research. In some cases, this work was performed by the systems’ retained actuarial consultants, and RPEC would like to thank these actuarial firms and their staff for contributing their time as well. For confidentiality reasons, the pension systems and actuarial firms have not been listed by name.
The SOA and LIMRA would like to thank RPEC, and especially the Public Plans Subcommittee, for their support, guidance, direction, and feedback throughout the project. Special recognition is due to Irina Pogrebivsky, who joined RPEC for the table development phase of the project and volunteered to perform the graduations and document the work.
Members of the Retirement Plans Experience Committee:
(Members of the Public Plans Subcommittee are denoted with an asterisk)
David L. Driscoll, FSA, MAAA, EA, FCA*, Chair
Martin W. Hill, FSA, MAAA, FCA , Vice-Chair
Brent A. Banister, FSA, MAAA, EA, FCA*
James G. Berberian, ASA, MAAA, EA, FCA*
Benjamin Farber Blakeslee, FSA, MAAA
James Chakan, FSA, EA
Robert (Andy) Blough, FSA, MAAA, EA, FCA* James Chakan, FSA, EA
Douglas J. Fiddler, ASA, MAAA, EA, FCA*
Timothy J. Geddes, FSA, MAAA, EA, FCA
David T. Kausch, FSA, MAAA, EA, FCA-R*
Piotr Krekora, ASA, MAAA, EA, FCA*
Adrienne Lieberthal, FSA, MAAA, CERA, EA, FCA*
Sergey Peters, ASA, EA
Irina Pogrebivsky, FSA*
John Popiolek, FSA, MAAA, EA
Scott F. Porter, FSA, MAAA, EA*
Michael P. Quercia, ASA, MAAA
Mitchell Rubenstein, ASA*
Graham Alan Schmidt, FSA, MAAA, EA, FCA*
Mark Spong, FSA, MAAA, CERA
Matthew Strom, FSA, MAAA, EA*
Elizabeth Ann Wiley, FSA, MAAA, EA, FCA*
Eva Sau Ying Yum, FSA, MAAA, EA, FCIA*
The following staff and contractors at the Society of Actuaries Research Institute and LIMRA were integral in the production of this study:
Philip Adams, FSA, MAAA, CERA, SOA Research Institute
Daniel Busa, LIMRA
Justin Clark, LIMRA
Korrel Crawford, SOA Research Institute
Peggy Hauser, FSA, MAAA, SOA Independent Contractor
Jerry Holman, FSA, MAAA, SOA Independent Contractor
Patrick Nolan, FSA, MAAA, SOA Research Institute
Kevin Tewksbury, LIMRA
Questions or Comments?
If you have comments or questions, please send an email to