Relative Risk Tool
The Relative Risk Tool (RR Tool) is free and easy-to-use. RR Tool helps actuaries determine the appropriate Relative Risk (RR) tables. Use RR tables in conjunction with determination of Principles Based Reserves (PBR).

SOA’s RR Tool:
- Incorporates the underwriting scoring procedure reference in the NAIC’s Valuation Manual in VM20, Section 9.C.3.d.
- Helps companies determine the appropriate Relative Risk tables of the 2015 Valuation Basic Table to use with determining PBR
- Produces Relative Risk Score values consistent with underwriting criteria for a particular set of preferred products
- Combines both knock-out and debit/credit underwriting methodologies
More About RR Tool
Developed and funded by the Society of Actuaries, the RR Tool site is being presented by The Underwriting Criteria Team: a collaborative effort of the joint American Academy of Actuaries/Society of Actuaries Preferred Mortality Project Oversight Group. Review the report of the Underwriting Criteria Team (updated Nov 3, 2016).
RR Tool assumption tables being used in RR Tool (updated Aug 18, 2016)