Archive Spring 2020: Enterprise Risk Management (ERM) Exam


February 12, 2020

The case study is now available. Questions in both the core and the extensions may be based on the case study.

January 2, 2020

Errata for Study Note ERM-420-20, Variable Annuity Volatility Management: An Era of Risk-Control:

In Exhibit 22 on page 26, the 5% and 5.5% labels are incorrectly switched.  The light blue bars should be a 5% withdrawal rate and the dark blue bars should be a 5.5% withdrawal rate.

December 10, 2019

Under the Reading Extension “General Corporate ERM” the following reading link has been corrected:
Integration of Risk Management into Strategic Planning.

December, 5, 2019

The following study note has been dropped under the Reading Extension “General Corporate ERM”: ERM-821-20 Understand Internal Controls.