Retirement Implications of Demographic and Family Change Symposium Monograph
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- Protecting Participants and Beneficiaries in a Phased Retirement World
- By Patricia L. Scahill, FSA, MAAA, FCA, EA, JD and Jonathan Barry Forman, JD
- Retirement Option Decisions for Married Couples
- By Beverly J. Orth, FSA
- Alternatives for Providing Family Retirement Benefits in Social Security and Employer Sponsored Pension Plans
- By Anna M. Rappaport, FSA, MAAA, FCA, EA and Manha Yau ASA, EA
- Appendix
- The Pattern and Consequence of Survivorship Provisions in Public Retirement Plans: Comparison of Britain, U.S., and Germany
- By Karen Anderson Holden, PhD and Meeryoung Kim, PhD
- Changing Family Structure and Social Security Reform
- By Yung–Ping (Bing) Chen, PhD
- Tables
- Policy Implications of Aging for Canadian Health Care and Retirement Programs
- Douglas W. Andrews, FSA, FCIA
- What Can Americans Do About Aging?
- By Thornton (Tip) Parker
- Financial Education and Retirement Savings
- By Robert L. Clark, PhD and Madeleine d'Ambrosio
- Labor Force Trends and Future Social Security Benefits
- By David H. Pattison, AB
- Financial Analysis on Retirement Implications for Women
- By Lorrie L. Hoffman, PhD and Lijia Guo, PhD, ASA, MAAA
- A Macroeconomic Indicator of Age at Retirement
- By Robert L. Brown, PhD, FSA, FCIA, ACAS, Robin Damm and Ishmael Sharara, FSA
- Gradual Retirement: An Additional Option in Work and Retirement
- By Yung–Ping (Bing) Chen, PhD and John C. Scott, BA, JD
- The Role of Multiemployer Defined Benefit Plans in an Era of Phased Retirement
- Denise M. Clark, Esq.
- An Individual's Chosen Retirement Age: When is the Economically Feasible Retirement Age Chosen Over the Anchor Provided by Known Others?
- By Linda Smith Brothers, ASA, MAAA, EA
- Funding Long–Term Care
- By Yung–Ping (Bing) Chen, PhD
- Qualified Pension Plans and Health Care for the Elderly: The Perfect Macroeconomic Immunized Portfolio
- By Robert L. Brown, PhD, FSA, FCIA, ACAS
- A Dynamic Social Security System in Unison with Demographic and Lifestyle Changes
- By Chiu–Cheng Chang, FSA, FCIA
- Can Latin American Experience Teach Us Something about Privatized Pensions with Individual Accounts?
- By Tapen Sinha, PhD
- Defined Benefit Plans in an Era of Phased Retirement
- By Aliya Wong, Esq.
- Tables