2023 Board Member Candidate
Amanda Hug, FSA 2013, MAAA 2013
Willis Towers Watson (WTW)
New York, NY
Message One
Hello! I am ecstatic about the opportunity to serve as your next SOA President-Elect.
Check out my campaign video to learn more!
My three key priorities as SOA President-Elect and Vice Chair will be to:
- Champion the Evolution of the Profession
- Engage Young Professionals
- Lead Inclusively, Effectively, and with Enthusiasm!
My key qualifications are:
- Current Elected SOA Board Member and Chair of SOA Governance & Policy Committee
- Past President of two local actuarial clubs (ACHS and ACB)
- Over a decade in the industry across life, annuity, retirement, and supplemental health at
both a direct company and consulting firm
I would be honored to represent you and serve the profession as your next SOA President-Elect!
Message Two
Hello! I am honored (and ecstatic!) to be an endorsed candidate for SOA President-Elect and Vice Chair.
CLICK HERE to watch my 2-minute video to learn more!!
Serving as your SOA board member for the last three years has been one of the professional highlights of my career, and I’m eager to take it to the next level as SOA President-Elect & Vice Chair!
I have personally seen the positive impact an inclusive and effective Chair can have on forward momentum for the board, and that is why I am running. I am excited about key initiatives underway and want to help lead them to completion. Further, I believe that we can act with more boldness to ensure our profession continues to thrive well into the future!
Some of the in-flight initiatives and opportunities for enhanced boldness that excite me include:
Evolving the FSA Pathway – As Chair of the Task Force for the Evolution of the FSA pathway, I led the task force and board through arguably the most significant (and challenging!) advancement we made in the last three years together. I look forward to overseeing the execution of this decision, which will result in a more flexible, supportive, and internationally appealing FSA pathway for our candidates.
Enhancing a sense of community among young professionals in the SOA – As Chair of the Community Engagement Strategy Working Group, I led the way for the launch of the Communities pilot. As a next step, I am advocating for the development of an SOA-sponsored virtual community platform for connection and conversation. We must meet people where they are, and for a large demographic of our membership, that is online!
Articulating our value proposition to potential candidates – I was a member of the Strategic Plan Task Force that penned the current strategic plan and recommended one our four strategic pillars as “Spotlight purpose.” We must better articulate this value proposition and social value of actuarial work on order to attract young people to the profession who aspire to make a difference in the world.
Expanding the Diversity Extension of University Earned Credit Program - A powerful way to increase diversity into our pipeline is for the SOA to increase the number of relationships we have with schools who serve predominantly underrepresented populations, such as Historically Black Colleges and Universities (HBCU’s) and Hispanic Serving Institutions (HSI’s). The SOA started with a small cohort of participating schools, but the SOA should rapidly expand the program to create more equitable opportunities for students of all ethnicities and backgrounds to enter our profession.
The future of the actuarial profession is bright, and I would be so honored to have your vote for SOA President-Elect! It would be a privilege and a delight to serve you and the profession.
Voting closes September 27th!
I love connecting with my actuarial colleagues across the globe, so please don’t hesitate to connect on LinkedIn or reach out at Amanda.Hug@wtwco.com.