Mortality Improvement Scale MP-2021
The Retirement Plans Experience Committee of the Society of Actuaries (RPEC) is pleased to present this annual update to its mortality improvement scales. This new version of the scales reflects historical U.S. population mortality experience through 2019.
The Scale MP-2021 Report has been posted below along with an Excel version of Scale MP-2021.
In 2021, the SOA released a new mortality improvement model, MIM-2021. MIM-2021 is based on the same concepts underpinning the RPEC_2014 model that was used to produce previous versions of RPEC’s MP scales. Both the RPEC_2014 (order-3 graduation upon which MP-2021 is based) and RPEC_O2 (smoother order-2 graduation) approaches are available within the MIM-2021 Application Tool. The MIM-2021 Application Tool replaces the RPEC_2014 and RPEC_O2 implementation tools that have been released alongside past iterations of RPEC’s MP scales. A link to the MIM-2021 web page, which contains the MIM-2021 Application Tool, has been included below.
The final items listed below are links to the home pages for Scale MP-2020 (the most recently published scale prior to MP-2021) and the original Scale MP-2014.
Mortality Improvement Scale MP-2021 Report
The Mortality Improvement Model, MIM-2021
Mortality Improvement Scale MP-2020
Mortality Improvement Scale MP-2014
Mortality Improvement Scale MP-2021