Annoucement: SOA releases February 2025 New ASA's and CERA's

Expanding the Human Mortality Database to include Cause‐of‐Death Information

February 2017

The Human Mortality Database is a unique open‐access collection of detailed mortality and population data for 38 countries with complete and reliable vital registration and census data. The HMD currently covers the United States, almost all of Europe, including countries of the former U.S.S.R., Japan, Australia and other mostly high‐income countries with rapidly aging populations. The Human Mortality Database (HMD) contains calculations of death rates and life tables for national populations (countries or areas), as well as the original input data used to construct these tables and an extensive documentation. This report overviews the development and completion of the HMD data series down to a cause of death level for an initial set of eight populations: Canada, Czech Republic, England and Wales, France, Japan, Norway, Sweden, and the United States.

The HMD web pages with the cause-of-death information are under development. Click here to go to the prototype for the cause‐of‐death web pages, and use the username, “hmdcod”, and password ,“magali”, to log in.


Full Report

Expanding the Human Mortality Database to include Cause‐of‐Death Information


Expanding the Human Mortality Database to include Cause‐of‐Death Information - Brief


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