Market Volatility Risk in an Era of Extreme Events

June 2023


Kailan Shang, FSA, CFA, PRM, SCIP


The Society of Actuaries’ Investment Section and Committee on Finance Research are pleased to make available a research report using a comprehensive attribution analysis to identify meaningful relationships between market volatility and potential causes. Also included for educational purposes are the open-source codes used to perform the analysis.


Market Volatility in an Era of Extreme Events

Market Volatility GitHub repository


The Society of Actuaries Research Institute would like to thank the Project Oversight Group for their guidance and input:

Stephanie Ching
Jing Fritz
Kimberly Gordon
Antony Moyalan
Robert Reitano
Max Rudolph
Feng Sun
Fabien Thonar
Tianyang Wang
Barbara Scott, SOA Sr. Research Administrator
Steven Siegel, SOA Sr. Practice Research Actuary

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