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Pricing in a Low Interest Rate Environment
Pricing in a Low Interest Rate Environment The decrease in interest rates over the last several years has led to decreases in the maximum valuation rate and maximum nonforfeiture interest rate, ...- Authors: Terry Long
- Date: Mar 2013
- Competency: External Forces & Industry Knowledge>Actuarial theory in business context; External Forces & Industry Knowledge>External forces and business performance
- Publication Name: Small Talk
- Topics: Annuities>Pricing - Annuities; Annuities>Reserves - Annuities; Life Insurance>Non-forfeiture benefits; Reinsurance>Product development - Reinsurance
SmallCo and Its Members Add Value at SOA Meetings
SmallCo and Its Members Add Value at SOA Meetings Highlights of the Smaller Insurance Company Section's significant contributions at recent Society of Actuaries' events ;; ...- Authors: Donald Walker, Jerry Enoch
- Date: Mar 2013
- Competency: Leadership>Professional network leverage; Leadership>Thought leadership
- Publication Name: Small Talk
- Topics: Actuarial Profession>Professional development; Reinsurance; Reinsurance>Reserving - Reinsurance
Ambassador Update—Brazil 2008
Ambassador Update—Brazil 2008 Recap of the Brazil Insurance Markets in 2008. Global markets;Mergers & acquisitions=M&A; 9841 4/1/2009 12:00:00 AM ...- Authors: Ronald Poon-Affat
- Date: Apr 2009
- Competency: External Forces & Industry Knowledge
- Publication Name: International News
- Topics: Health & Disability; Life Insurance; Pensions & Retirement; Reinsurance
Unintended Consequences of FAS 113 Reinsurance Accounting for Long Duration Contracts
Unintended Consequences of FAS 113 Reinsurance Accounting for Long Duration Contracts Unintended consequences of certain approaches used by companies to satisfy FAS 113 reinsurance accounting.- Authors: Rod Bubke, Katie Cantor, Larry Gulleen
- Date: Jun 2014
- Competency: External Forces & Industry Knowledge>Actuarial methods in business operations
- Publication Name: The Future Actuary
- Topics: Reinsurance>Financial reporting for reinsurance
Enhancing Insurer value using Reinsurance and Value-at-Risk Criterion
Enhancing Insurer value using Reinsurance and Value-at-Risk Criterion This is the abstract of a paper that complements the existing research on optimal reinsurance by proposing another model for ...- Authors: Ken Seng Tan, Chengguo Weng
- Date: Jan 2008
- Competency: Technical Skills & Analytical Problem Solving
- Topics: Modeling & Statistical Methods; Reinsurance
Estimating the required surplus, benchmark profit, and optimal reinsurance retention for an insurance enterprise using the compound Poisson distribution
Estimating the required surplus, benchmark profit, and optimal reinsurance retention for an insurance enterprise using the compound Poisson distribution This abstract describes a paper that ...- Authors: Joseph A Boor
- Date: Dec 2012
- Competency: External Forces & Industry Knowledge
- Topics: Reinsurance
In the Middle: Role of a Reinsurance Intermediary
In the Middle: Role of a Reinsurance Intermediary Find out what roles reinsurance and reinsurance intermediaries play for ceding companies in need of capital and the providers of such capital.- Authors: Larry Stern
- Date: Sep 2017
- Competency: Communication; Relationship Management; Strategic Insight and Integration
- Publication Name: Small Talk
- Topics: Enterprise Risk Management>Capital management - ERM; Reinsurance>Pricing - Reinsurance; Reinsurance>Reserving - Reinsurance
As the Dust Settles: Valuation Approaches for FAS 133 DIG Issue B36
As the Dust Settles: Valuation Approaches for FAS 133 DIG Issue B36 Valuation Approaches for FAS 133 DIG Issue B36: Embedded Derivatives: Modified Coinsurance Arrangements and Debt Instruments ...- Authors: Steven Lash, Rebecca Wang, Tara J P Hansen
- Date: May 2004
- Competency: External Forces & Industry Knowledge>Actuarial theory in business context; Technical Skills & Analytical Problem Solving>Process and technique refinement
- Publication Name: The Financial Reporter
- Topics: Financial Reporting & Accounting>Financial Accounting Standards Board [FASB]; Reinsurance>Financial reporting for reinsurance
The Interstate Compact: Speeding up Speed-to-Market
The Interstate Compact: Speeding up Speed-to-Market This article discusses The Compact is an agreement between member states to develop and use a single set of uniform standards as the guidelines ...- Authors: PW Calfas
- Date: Feb 2013
- Competency: Technical Skills & Analytical Problem Solving>Process and technique refinement
- Publication Name: Product Matters!
- Topics: Reinsurance>Product development - Reinsurance
Life Reinsurance From The Munich American Survey
Life Reinsurance From The Munich American Survey Munich American’s annual survey, which is conducted on behalf of the Statistical Research Committee of the Reinsurance Section, covers Canadian ...- Authors: James L Sweeney, David Bruggeman
- Date: Jun 2002
- Competency: External Forces & Industry Knowledge
- Publication Name: Reinsurance News
- Topics: Reinsurance>Life reinsurance