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Valuation of Equity-Linked Insurance Using Risk Measures
Valuation of Equity-Linked Insurance Using Risk Measures This is the abstract of a paper that considers the pricing of equity-indexed annuities using risk measures and presents dynamic hedging ...- Authors: PATRICE GAILLARDETZ
- Date: Jan 2008
- Competency: Technical Skills & Analytical Problem Solving>Incorporate risk management
- Topics: Annuities>Equity-indexed annuities; Enterprise Risk Management>Capital management - ERM
Effective Stress Testing in Enterprise Risk Management
Effective Stress Testing in Enterprise Risk Management This paper discusses both the theoretical and the application aspects of stress testing in managing enterprise risks. Effective stress ...- Authors: Lijia Guo
- Date: May 2009
- Competency: External Forces & Industry Knowledge>Actuarial theory in business context
- Topics: Enterprise Risk Management>Capital management - ERM
Update on the 2019 Joint CAS / SOA Enterprise Risk Management Symposium
Update on the 2019 Joint CAS / SOA Enterprise Risk Management Symposium The article provides an update on the 2019 ERM Symposium with regard to date, location and content (General Sessions and ...- Authors: Chester John Szczepanski
- Date: Feb 2020
- Competency: External Forces & Industry Knowledge; Leadership; Strategic Insight and Integration; Technical Skills & Analytical Problem Solving
- Publication Name: Risk Management
- Topics: Enterprise Risk Management; Enterprise Risk Management>Capital management - ERM; Enterprise Risk Management>Capital markets; Enterprise Risk Management>Compliance; Enterprise Risk Management>Financial management; Enterprise Risk Management>Governance; Enterprise Risk Management>Operational risks; Enterprise Risk Management>Portfolio management - ERM; Enterprise Risk Management>Risk appetite; Enterprise Risk Management>Risk categories; Enterprise Risk Management>Risk measurement - ERM; Enterprise Risk Management>Strategic risks; Enterprise Risk Management>Systematic risk; Enterprise Risk Management>Systemic risk; Enterprise Risk Management>Risk correlation
Is there currently an underwriting cycle?
Is there currently an underwriting cycle? An analysis of the 1999-2011 experience of all Blues plans of betweeen $1.8 and $3.8 billion in annual revenue in 2010 to determine if there is any ...- Authors: Mark Shaw
- Date: Jan 2013
- Competency: External Forces & Industry Knowledge>Actuarial theory in business context; Strategic Insight and Integration>Big picture view
- Publication Name: Health Watch
- Topics: Enterprise Risk Management>Capital management - ERM; Enterprise Risk Management>Systematic risk; Health & Disability>Health insurance
Surplus Management
Surplus Management Presented at September 1994 Valuation Actuary Symposium. This session presents the approaches of a stock and a mutual company to surplus management, and the application of ...- Authors: David Carlson, Charles D Friedstat, Alastair G Longley-Cook, Edward Robbins
- Date: Sep 1994
- Competency: Technical Skills & Analytical Problem Solving
- Topics: Enterprise Risk Management>Capital management - ERM
The Downside of Prudential Regulation: Limited Liquidity
The Downside of Prudential Regulation: Limited Liquidity Finding appealing return on equity for low margin or high risk weighted asset business by dealers has been challenging. Because of this, ...- Authors: Society of Actuaries, Ira Jersey
- Date: Aug 2014
- Competency: Strategic Insight and Integration>Big picture view
- Publication Name: Risk Management
- Topics: Enterprise Risk Management>Capital management - ERM; Enterprise Risk Management>Risk appetite; Enterprise Risk Management>Strategic risks
Session 080: Measuring the Impact of Emerging Healthcare Technologies
Session 080: Measuring the Impact of Emerging Healthcare Technologies The presenters describe the process payers and employers can use to evaluate emerging medical device technologies, recent or ...- Authors: Krishna Faldu, Radha Shenoy, Aaron Hahn
- Date: Feb 2020
- Competency: External Forces & Industry Knowledge
- Topics: Enterprise Risk Management; Enterprise Risk Management>Capital management - ERM; Reinsurance; Reinsurance>Product development - Reinsurance
Capital Management
Capital Management Presented at October 1986 Annual Meeting. This session discussion is about how capital should be measured, cash flow based surplus, what performance measures are reliable, ...- Authors: Glen Gammill, Phillip J Grigg, David Ingram, Richard Kischuk, Robert C Winters
- Date: Oct 1986
- Competency: Technical Skills & Analytical Problem Solving
- Publication Name: Record of the Society of Actuaries
- Topics: Enterprise Risk Management>Capital management - ERM
Hedging Strategies Using Catastrophe Insurance Options
Hedging Strategies Using Catastrophe Insurance Options For several years there has been discussion in the insurance industry of the need for additional capital sources to participate in insuring ...- Authors: Thomas O'Brien
- Date: Jan 1997
- Competency: Technical Skills & Analytical Problem Solving>Incorporate risk management
- Publication Name: Actuarial Research Clearing House
- Topics: Enterprise Risk Management>Capital management - ERM
Why Japanese Life Insurers Are Still Surviving In a Zero Interest Rate Since 1995
Why Japanese Life Insurers Are Still Surviving In a Zero Interest Rate Since 1995 This is the strong message to encourage all actuaries in the world, who are struggling against low/zero/negative ...- Authors: KENICHI NOGAMI
- Date: May 2016
- Competency: Strategic Insight and Integration>Strategy development; Technical Skills & Analytical Problem Solving>Incorporate risk management
- Publication Name: International News
- Topics: Enterprise Risk Management>Capital management - ERM; Predictive Analytics