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Mortality Improvement Scale MP-2020
Mortality Improvement Scale MP-2020 The Retirement Plans Experience Committee of the Society of Actuaries (RPEC) is pleased to present this annual update to the RPEC_2014 model and its ...- Authors: Society of Actuaries
- Date: Oct 2020
- Competency: External Forces & Industry Knowledge
- Topics: Demography>Mortality - Demography; Pensions & Retirement>Assumptions and methods
Cash Balance Symposium Monograph, Chapter 4: The Cash Balance Funding Method
Cash Balance Symposium Monograph, Chapter 4: The Cash Balance Funding Method This paper examines how the cash balance plan design is related to the normal cost and accrued liability in the ...- Authors: Raymond J Murphy
- Date: Jan 2001
- Competency: External Forces & Industry Knowledge
- Topics: Pensions & Retirement>Assumptions and methods; Pensions & Retirement>Hybrid plans
SOA Pension Section Research Summary
SOA Pension Section Research Summary This paper summarizes third millennium pension research available on the Society of Actuaries Website. The research is organized by categories. In some cases ...- Authors: Society of Actuaries
- Date: Jan 2010
- Competency: External Forces & Industry Knowledge
- Topics: Pensions & Retirement>Assumptions and methods
Comments on ‘The Case for Stochastic Present Values,” by Dimitry Mindlin
Comments on ‘The Case for Stochastic Present Values,” by Dimitry Mindlin Eric Friedman’s comments on ‘The Case for Stochastic Present Values,” by Dimitry Mindlin Asset allocation;Discount rates= ...- Authors: Eric S Friedman
- Date: Jun 2010
- Competency: Technical Skills & Analytical Problem Solving>Process and technique refinement
- Topics: Modeling & Statistical Methods>Forecasting; Pensions & Retirement>Assumptions and methods; Pensions & Retirement>Pension finance; Pensions & Retirement>Public sector plans
Revisiting Pension Actuarial Science: A Five-Part Series
Revisiting Pension Actuarial Science: A Five-Part Series The current financial model put forth as the market value of public sector pension benefit liabilities is simply the expected cash flows ...- Authors: James Rizzo, Krzysztof Ostaszewski, Piotr Krekora
- Date: Jun 2010
- Competency: Technical Skills & Analytical Problem Solving>Process and technique refinement
- Topics: Pensions & Retirement>Assumptions and methods; Pensions & Retirement>Public sector plans; Pensions & Retirement>Risk management
Estimating the true cost of retirement
Estimating the true cost of retirement A common approach to estimating the total amount of savings required to fund retirement is to first apply a generic “replacement rate” to pre-retirement ...- Authors: David Blanchett
- Date: Jan 2014
- Competency: Technical Skills & Analytical Problem Solving>Problem analysis and definition
- Topics: Pensions & Retirement>Assumptions and methods
Forecasting of Assets and Liabilities
Forecasting of Assets and Liabilities Panelists discuss current pension issues and ways in which the modeling process can be used to assist plan sponsors in addressing those issues. From the ...- Authors: Donald Brackey, Mark A Cavazos, Chester R Schneider, H John Vogt
- Date: Apr 1988
- Competency: Technical Skills & Analytical Problem Solving>Innovative solutions
- Publication Name: Record of the Society of Actuaries
- Topics: Pensions & Retirement>Assumptions and methods
Retirement Age - Increasing or Phasing Out?
Retirement Age - Increasing or Phasing Out? An article that highlights the paper Retirement Trends and Patterns in the 1990s: The End of an Era? The trend toward earlier retirement is documented ...- Authors: Society of Actuaries
- Date: Aug 1998
- Competency: External Forces & Industry Knowledge
- Publication Name: Pension Section News
- Topics: Pensions & Retirement>Assumptions and methods
Pension Plan Dynamics
Pension Plan Dynamics This panel discussion examines pension plan dynamics including social security integration, benefit and cost projections under dynamic assumptions, and best estimate ...- Authors: Norman W Clausen, Stanley R Freilich, William F Lumsden, Mary S Riebold
- Date: Jun 1977
- Competency: Technical Skills & Analytical Problem Solving
- Publication Name: Record of the Society of Actuaries
- Topics: Pensions & Retirement>Assumptions and methods; Pensions & Retirement>Plan design
Small Pension Plans
Small Pension Plans This panel discussion examines the valuation problems, funding methods, valuing ancillary benefits, and fluctuations in experience of small pension plans. Defined benefit ...- Authors: Joseph P Macaulay, G Mitchell, John C Muehl, David R Nesselle
- Date: May 1979
- Competency: External Forces & Industry Knowledge
- Publication Name: Record of the Society of Actuaries
- Topics: Pensions & Retirement>Assumptions and methods; Pensions & Retirement>Funding; Pensions & Retirement>Plan design