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Graying Work Force
Graying Work Force Orlando Business Journal three-part series on living longer and the aging work force, including experts from the Living to 100 Symposium. Longevity; 6874 4/1/2008 12:00:00 AM ...- Authors: Kim McKeown
- Date: Apr 2008
- Competency: External Forces & Industry Knowledge
- Topics: Demography>Longevity
Some Remarks in Statistical Independence and Fractional Age Assumptions
Some Remarks in Statistical Independence and Fractional Age Assumptions In this expository paper several comments are made with respect to the statistical independence of the curtate future ...- Authors: Gordon E Willmot
- Date: Jan 1996
- Competency: External Forces & Industry Knowledge>Actuarial theory in business context
- Publication Name: Actuarial Research Clearing House
- Topics: Demography>Longevity; Finance & Investments>Risk measurement - Finance & Investments
Further Perspectives About Longevity
Further Perspectives About Longevity Actuaries have been indebted to the Statistical Bureau of the Metropolitan Life for studies in vital statistics associated with the names of Dublin, Lew and ...- Authors: Arthur Pedoe
- Date: Feb 1969
- Competency: External Forces & Industry Knowledge>Actuarial theory in business context
- Publication Name: The Actuary Magazine
- Topics: Demography>Longevity
Expanding the Human Mortality Database to include Cause‐of‐Death Information - Brief
Expanding the Human Mortality Database to include Cause‐of‐Death Information - Brief The Human Mortality Database is a unique collection of detailed mortality and population data with complete ...- Authors: Magali Barbieri
- Date: Aug 2017
- Competency: Strategic Insight and Integration>Big picture view; Technical Skills & Analytical Problem Solving>Process and technique refinement
- Topics: Demography>Mortality - Demography; Demography>Longevity; Demography>Population data
A Smart Way to Develop Retirement Income Strategies
A Smart Way to Develop Retirement Income Strategies Three papers use sophisticated actuarial methods to develop a straightforward retirement income strategy that can be implemented in virtually ...- Authors: Steven Vernon
- Date: May 2018
- Competency: Communication>Difficult message delivery; External Forces & Industry Knowledge>Actuarial theory in business context; Results-Oriented Solutions>Actionable recommendations; Strategic Insight and Integration>Effective decision-making; Technical Skills & Analytical Problem Solving>Innovative solutions; Technical Skills & Analytical Problem Solving>Problem analysis and definition
- Topics: Annuities>Payout annuities; Demography>Longevity; Finance & Investments>Asset allocation; Finance & Investments>Investments
Tales of a Journey of Discovery
Tales of a Journey of Discovery The article discovers that mortality is higher for females than for males at higher ages, and suggests "stress" as the explanation. It then discusses ...- Authors: John M Bragg
- Date: Jul 2016
- Competency: Technical Skills & Analytical Problem Solving>Innovative solutions; Technical Skills & Analytical Problem Solving>Problem analysis and definition
- Publication Name: Reinsurance News
- Topics: Demography>Mortality - Demography; Demography>Gender factors; Demography>Longevity; Demography>Population data; Experience Studies & Data>Disability; Experience Studies & Data>Long-term care - Experience Studies & Data; Experience Studies & Data>Morbidity; Experience Studies & Data>Mortality
IAA Delegate Council & Committee Meeting
IAA Delegate Council & Committee Meeting Report of recent IAA event in Tokyo. 1/17/2020 12:00:00 AM ...- Authors: Society of Actuaries
- Date: Jan 2020
- Competency: Communication
- Topics: Actuarial Profession; Demography; Demography>Longevity; Demography>Mortality improvement
Mortality at Oldest Ages: Living to 100 and Beyond: Survival at Advanced Ages
Mortality at Oldest Ages: Living to 100 and Beyond: Survival at Advanced Ages This is the author's reply to Dr. Kingkade's discussion of the referenced paper. The author supplies ...- Authors: Kenneth W Faig
- Date: Apr 2008
- Competency: External Forces & Industry Knowledge
- Topics: Demography>Longevity
Using Dynamic Reliability in Estimating Mortality at Advanced Ages
Using Dynamic Reliability in Estimating Mortality at Advanced Ages Using Taiwan Complete Life Tables as the data source, a model is developed using reliability theory and the results of the ...- Authors: Fanny L F Lin
- Date: Jan 2002
- Competency: External Forces & Industry Knowledge; Technical Skills & Analytical Problem Solving
- Topics: Demography>Longevity
The Great Debate on the Outlook for Human Longevity: Exposition and Evaluation of Two Divergent Views
The Great Debate on the Outlook for Human Longevity: Exposition and Evaluation of Two Divergent Views The abstract for the paper The Great Debate on the Outlook for Human Longevity: Exposition ...- Authors: Jacob S Siegel
- Date: Jan 2005
- Competency: External Forces & Industry Knowledge
- Topics: Demography>Longevity