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The Practical Uses Of Risk Theory
The Practical Uses Of Risk Theory This panel discussion session focused on the practical applications of risk theory. Risk theory; 15382 10/1/1982 12:00:00 AM ...- Authors: Nathan H Epstein, James C Hickman, Alastair G Longley-Cook, Harry H Panjer
- Date: Oct 1982
- Competency: Technical Skills & Analytical Problem Solving
- Publication Name: Record of the Society of Actuaries
- Topics: Enterprise Risk Management; Modeling & Statistical Methods
Surplus Management
Surplus Management Presented at September 1994 Valuation Actuary Symposium. This session presents the approaches of a stock and a mutual company to surplus management, and the application of ...- Authors: David Carlson, Charles D Friedstat, Alastair G Longley-Cook, Edward Robbins
- Date: Sep 1994
- Competency: Technical Skills & Analytical Problem Solving
- Topics: Enterprise Risk Management>Capital management - ERM
Value-At-Risk, Risk-Based Surplus, and C-3 Risk-Based Capital
Value-At-Risk, Risk-Based Surplus, and C-3 Risk-Based Capital 1998 Valuation Actuary Symposium. The panelists addressed the practical implications of how to use value-at-risk in a real-life ...- Authors: Michael J Hambro, Alastair G Longley-Cook, David Sandberg, Douglas A George
- Date: Jan 1998
- Competency: Technical Skills & Analytical Problem Solving
- Topics: Modeling & Statistical Methods; Public Policy
GAAP Issues - General
GAAP Issues - General This presentation is an open forum, session number 11OF, from the 2000 Valuation Actuary Symposium, held September 14-15 in Washington, DC. The panelists discuss recent ...- Authors: Alastair G Longley-Cook, John Morris, David White, Gregory Smith
- Date: Sep 2000
- Competency: External Forces & Industry Knowledge
- Topics: Financial Reporting & Accounting>Generally Accepted Accounting Principles [GAAP]
The Financial Reporter
The Financial Reporter Full version of The Financial Reporter, Issue 45, March 2001. 25571 3/1/2001 12:00:00 AM ...- Authors: Michael Eckman, Kenneth W Faig, David Hippen, Alastair G Longley-Cook, Thomas Nace, David Sandberg, Raymond Ted Schlude, Richard E Shaw, Jeyaraj Vadiveloo, Michael Sherrill
- Date: Mar 2001
- Publication Name: The Financial Reporter
The Actuary VOL. 15, No. 10 New Risk Theory Study Note Signals Change
The Actuary VOL. 15, No. 10 New Risk Theory Study Note Signals Change This article discusses a new study note on Risk Theory, being circulated to May 1982 Part 5 students, bringing this subject ...- Authors: Alastair G Longley-Cook
- Date: Dec 1981
- Competency: Technical Skills & Analytical Problem Solving
- Publication Name: The Actuary Magazine
- Topics: Actuarial Profession>Professional development
Stochastic DAC Unlocking for VariableAnnuity Products
Stochastic DAC Unlocking for VariableAnnuity Products Stochastic DAC Unlocking for Variable Annuity Products by Alastair Longley-Cook, Dick Shaw, Mike Sherrill, and Jay Vadiveloo from The ...- Authors: Alastair G Longley-Cook, Richard E Shaw, Jeyaraj Vadiveloo, Michael Sherrill
- Date: Mar 2001
- Competency: External Forces & Industry Knowledge>External forces and business performance
- Publication Name: The Financial Reporter
- Topics: Financial Reporting & Accounting>Generally Accepted Accounting Principles [GAAP]
Product Management
Product Management 1992 SOA Regional Meeting, Anaheim. This session addressed the product management actuary and the product management process. Topics discussed : 1. The ...- Authors: John Hele, Anne Katcher, Alastair G Longley-Cook, Steven Schreiber, John F Bevacqua
- Date: Jun 1992
- Competency: Strategic Insight and Integration
- Publication Name: Record of the Society of Actuaries
- Topics: Annuities; Health & Disability>Health insurance; Life Insurance
Practitioners' Forum I
Practitioners' Forum I 1997 Valuation Actuary Symposium, Session 18, is the first part for the Practitioners' Forum. The goal of this session is to address some of the major issues ...- Authors: Alastair G Longley-Cook, Michael E Mateja, Barry L Shemin
- Date: Sep 1997
- Competency: External Forces & Industry Knowledge
- Topics: Enterprise Risk Management; Financial Reporting & Accounting
Risk-Based Capital Update
Risk-Based Capital Update Presented at May 2002 Spring Meeting. This session covers NAIC 2001 changes to RBC requirements, the impact they have had on regulators, the rating agency reaction ...- Authors: Larry M Gorski, Alastair G Longley-Cook, James Reiskytl
- Date: May 2002
- Competency: External Forces & Industry Knowledge>Actuarial methods in business operations; Technical Skills & Analytical Problem Solving>Process and technique refinement
- Publication Name: Record of the Society of Actuaries
- Topics: Enterprise Risk Management>Capital management - ERM; Public Policy