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GAAP Acquisition Expense Amortization Methodology
GAAP Acquisition Expense Amortization Methodology This paper discusses three methods for the amortization of deferred acquisition expenses, DAC and the results when actual experience differs ...- Authors: Alan Goldberg, Thomas G Kabele, Lester Moskowitz, Claude Y Paquin, Joe B Pharr, Donald R Sondergeld
- Date: Oct 1978
- Competency: Technical Skills & Analytical Problem Solving
- Publication Name: Transactions of the SOA
- Topics: Financial Reporting & Accounting>Generally Accepted Accounting Principles [GAAP]
New Company Probelms
New Company Probelms This discussion at the 1967 Annual Meeting is about issues facing new companies including the areas of marketing, personnel, capital and surplus, financial projections, and ...- Authors: Joseph Austin, Charles G Bentzin, William A Brown, John J Byrne, Thurston P Farmer, John S Fry, Melvin L Gold, John E Hearst, James W Kemble, D Alan Little, Chandler L McKelvey, Lawrence Mitchell, Claude Y Paquin, Anna M Rappaport, Alan Richards, C David Silletto, Robert C Tookey, Frederick S Townsend, Charles F B Richardson, Milton F Chauner, John G Selig, Allen L. Mayerson, E Forrest Estes
- Date: Oct 1967
- Competency: Technical Skills & Analytical Problem Solving
- Publication Name: Transactions of the SOA
- Topics: Life Insurance
The Individual Accident and Health Loss Ratio Dilemma
The Individual Accident and Health Loss Ratio Dilemma The principal objective of this paper is to remind actuaries of the rather significant misconceptions and distortions commonly encountered in ...- Authors: W H Odell, Claude Y Paquin, Joe B Pharr
- Date: Oct 1979
- Competency: Technical Skills & Analytical Problem Solving>Problem analysis and definition
- Publication Name: Transactions of the SOA
- Topics: Health & Disability>Health insurance
Management of Professional Personnel
Management of Professional Personnel This is a discussion about recruiting professional people, and what can be done to reduce the high rate of turnover among professionals, especially during the ...- Authors: Robert K Dickson, William C Hsiao, Robert E Hunstad, Henry K Knowlton, John M Loftis, Jack A Marshall, Claude Y Paquin, C Ronald Riley, Paul T Rotter, Donald A Rumball, Donald Segal, Robert S Yoder, George Ryrie, Dennis N Warters, Lowell M Dorn, Donald J Van Keuren, A Charles Howell, Charles A Yardley, Charles S Schelle, Jack T Kvernland, Henry C Unruh, Frederick Lief
- Date: Apr 1969
- Competency: External Forces & Industry Knowledge
- Publication Name: Transactions of the SOA
- Topics: Actuarial Profession>Management skills
An Approach to Group Life Conversion Reserves
An Approach to Group Life Conversion Reserves This paper illustrated one approach to the calculation of reserves on group life conversions and alerts the reader to its possible favorable ...- Authors: John M Boermeester, Claude Y Paquin
- Date: Oct 1973
- Competency: Technical Skills & Analytical Problem Solving>Problem analysis and definition
- Publication Name: Transactions of the SOA
- Topics: Experience Studies & Data>Mortality; Financial Reporting & Accounting>Statutory accounting
Cumulative Antiselection Theory
Cumulative Antiselection Theory This paper, first published in 1982 in the Transactions of Society of Actuaries, Vol. 34, discusses the phenomenon of durational antiselection, a commonly observed ...- Authors: Application Administrator, Charles Habeck, Francis T O'Grady, Claude Y Paquin
- Date: Oct 1982
- Competency: External Forces & Industry Knowledge>Actuarial theory in business context
- Topics: Health & Disability>Health insurance
Cost of Vesting in Private Pension Plans
Cost of Vesting in Private Pension Plans This paper attempts to reduce several variables to their bare minimum and to investigate how the cost of vesting depends upon those few that remain. From ...- Authors: Donald S Grubbs, Claude Y Paquin, Harry S Purnell, Arnold Shapiro, Paulette Tino, Howard E Winklevoss, Charles L. Trowbridge
- Date: Oct 1972
- Competency: External Forces & Industry Knowledge
- Publication Name: Transactions of the SOA
- Topics: Actuarial Profession>Competencies; Pensions & Retirement>Assumptions and methods
Choice and Justification of an Interest Rate
Choice and Justification of an Interest Rate This paper develops a new method of determining long-range interest rate assumptions. Followed by discussion papers submitted by 2 authors Asset ...- Authors: Claude Y Paquin, Irwin T Vanderhoof, Dale R Gustafson
- Date: Oct 1973
- Competency: Technical Skills & Analytical Problem Solving>Process and technique refinement
- Publication Name: Transactions of the SOA
- Topics: Finance & Investments; Life Insurance>Pricing - Life Insurance
Pension Funding and Valuation
Pension Funding and Valuation This document is a summary of a session which was presented at the 1975 SOA Annual meeting. It includes discussions on the following topics: Effects of ERISA on ...- Authors: David A Daniels, Ian A D Holden, Claude Y Paquin, Thomas D Sloan, Martin Stempel
- Date: Oct 1975
- Competency: Technical Skills & Analytical Problem Solving>Process and technique refinement
- Publication Name: Record of the Society of Actuaries
- Topics: Pensions & Retirement; Pensions & Retirement>Assumptions and methods; Pensions & Retirement>Pension investments & asset liability management
A New Approach to Premium, Policy and Claim Reserves for Health Insurance
A New Approach to Premium, Policy and Claim Reserves for Health Insurance Traditional methods of addressing reserves and liabilities have failed to cope with the problems of escalating claim ...- Authors: E Paul Barnhart, David L Creswell, Judy C Engels, Charles Habeck, Anthony J Houghton, Mark E Litow, W H Odell, Claude Y Paquin, Robert Shapland
- Date: Oct 1985
- Competency: Technical Skills & Analytical Problem Solving>Innovative solutions
- Publication Name: Transactions of the SOA
- Topics: Health & Disability>Health insurance