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Abstract: The Boomers Are Coming: A Total Cost of Care Model of the Impact of Population Aging on the Cost of Chronicand Acute Conditions in the United States
Abstract: The Boomers Are Coming: A Total Cost of Care Model of the Impact of Population Aging on the Cost of Chronicand Acute Conditions in the United States This is the abstract for the paper, ...- Authors: Louise H Anderson, Nancy A Garrett, E Mary Martini, Tammie Lindquist, Elaine Moses
- Date: Jun 2005
- Competency: Results-Oriented Solutions>Actionable recommendations; Technical Skills & Analytical Problem Solving>Problem analysis and definition
- Topics: Health & Disability>Health care; Public Policy; Social Insurance>Medicaid; Social Insurance>Medicare
Financing Chronic Care Seminar: The Costs of Chronic vs. Acute Conditions
Financing Chronic Care Seminar: The Costs of Chronic vs. Acute Conditions This session takes a fresh look at the issues related to acute care focus and the challenges of providing coordinated ...- Authors: Ian G Duncan, Charles S Fuhrer, Michael Cousins, Jaan Sidorov, Iver Juster, Nancy A Garrett
- Date: Jun 2005
- Competency: Technical Skills & Analytical Problem Solving
- Publication Name: Record of the Society of Actuaries
- Topics: Health & Disability>Chronic health management - Health & Disability