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Mandated Risk-Based Surplus
Mandated Risk-Based Surplus This panel discussion is from the 1991 Annual Meeting of the Society of Actuaries, held October 20-23 in Toronto. The panelists discuss the National Association of ...- Authors: Michael Cowell, Dennis Lauzon, Frederick Yosua, Michael L Zurcher, Owen A. Reed
- Date: Oct 1991
- Competency: External Forces & Industry Knowledge>External forces and business performance
- Publication Name: Record of the Society of Actuaries
- Topics: Public Policy
Computer Models and Simulation
Computer Models and Simulation This is a discussion about computer models and simulation tools for life insurance companies. From Transactions of Society of Actuaries 1969, Vol. 21, No. 59AB ...- Authors: Michael C Altschuler, Thomas P Bowles, Russell M Collins, John H Cook, Abraham Hazelcorn, Anthony J Houghton, Burton Jay, James Lee Lewis, Joseph P McAllister, Cecil J Nesbitt, William F Sutton, Robin B Welch, Eli A Zubay, Owen A. Reed, Harry D. Garber, Charles L. Trowbridge, David G Halmstad, John W Lincoln
- Date: Apr 1969
- Competency: Strategic Insight and Integration>Strategy development; Technical Skills & Analytical Problem Solving; Technical Skills & Analytical Problem Solving>Process and technique refinement
- Publication Name: Transactions of the SOA
- Topics: Modeling & Statistical Methods; Technology & Applications
International Diversification by Life Insurance Companies
International Diversification by Life Insurance Companies This session at the SOA 1990 Annual Meeting is about international diversification by life insurance companies and the oppurtunities ...- Authors: E Sydney Jackson, William D Kerrigan, Ian L Salmon, Owen A. Reed, Taira Suekane
- Date: Oct 1990
- Competency: External Forces & Industry Knowledge
- Publication Name: Record of the Society of Actuaries
- Topics: Global Perspectives
Management Financial Statements For Mutual Companies
Management Financial Statements For Mutual Companies Presented at May 1985 Spring Meeting. This session discussed: Overview of current activities, Evaluating accounting alternatives, ...- Authors: Glen Gammill, Glenn H Gettier, Robert Stein, Joseph H Tan, Owen A. Reed, Henry R Ramsey
- Date: May 1985
- Competency: External Forces & Industry Knowledge>External forces and business performance
- Publication Name: Record of the Society of Actuaries
- Topics: Enterprise Risk Management>Financial management; Financial Reporting & Accounting>Generally Accepted Accounting Principles [GAAP]
Some Actuarial Considerations for Mutual Companies
Some Actuarial Considerations for Mutual Companies This paper attempts to develop an actuarial rationalization for the governance of a mutual life insurance company. It addresses setting surplus ...- Authors: Thomas P Bowles, Donald D Cody, Linden Cole, Louis Garfin, Ardian Gill, Norman E Henricks, Howard H Kayton, Robin B Leckie, John C Maynard, Brian R Newton, Claude Y Paquin, Henry B Ramsey, Paul E Sarnoff, Donald R Sondergeld, Robert C Tookey, Owen A. Reed, Charles L. Trowbridge
- Date: Oct 1979
- Competency: External Forces & Industry Knowledge
- Publication Name: Transactions of the SOA
- Topics: Financial Reporting & Accounting
Effective Use of Capital
Effective Use of Capital Panel discussion focused on the Effective Use of Capital. Topics included: 1. Definition of capital 2. Appropriate level of capital and surplus in a life ...- Authors: Richard Kischuk, John C Maynard, Owen A. Reed, Harry S Saunders
- Date: May 1981
- Competency: External Forces & Industry Knowledge>Actuarial theory in business context; Strategic Insight and Integration; Technical Skills & Analytical Problem Solving>Incorporate risk management
- Publication Name: Record of the Society of Actuaries
- Topics: Finance & Investments>Capital management - Finance & Investments; Finance & Investments>Risk measurement - Finance & Investments; Reinsurance>Financial reinsurance
Solvency Issues of Life Insurance Companies in Other Countries
Solvency Issues of Life Insurance Companies in Other Countries 1993 SOA Meeting, Quebec. This session is about solvency issues of life insurance companies in other countries, regular standards ...- Authors: W Paul McCrossan, Christopher David Daykin, Owen A. Reed
- Date: Jun 1993
- Competency: External Forces & Industry Knowledge
- Publication Name: Record of the Society of Actuaries
- Topics: Financial Reporting & Accounting
DIGEST OF DISCUSSION OF SUBJECTS OF SPECIAL INTEREST This is a discussion about computer modeling as a management tool. From Transactions of Society of Actuaries 1969, Vol 21 Pt. 2, No. 59 1959 ...- Authors: Michael C Altschuler, Thomas P Bowles, Russell M Collins, John H Cook, Anthony J Houghton, Burton Jay, James Lee Lewis, Joseph P McAllister, Cecil J Nesbitt, William F Sutton, Robin B Welch, Eli A Zubay, Owen A. Reed, Harry D. Garber, Charles L. Trowbridge, David G Halmstad, John W Lincoln
- Date: Apr 1969
- Publication Name: Transactions of the SOA