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Individual Life and Health Insurance
Individual Life and Health Insurance This discussion at a SOA 1967 Regional Meeting covers individual life and health insurance topics including individual health loss of time coverages, life ...- Authors: William H Aitken, Andrew Bodine, Robert C Dowsett, Niels H Fischer, Donald L Gauer, Ardian Gill, E Sydney Jackson, Wallace R Joyce, Wilford A Leonard, Archie R McCracken, John Miller, Will R Mullens, C David Silletto, Stephen N Steinig, William J Taylor, Samuel H Turner, Jerome H Vance, Gerald T Walker, Charles F B Richardson, Edwin B. Lancaster, Douglas T Weir, George W Chalmers, Ralph J Hasbrouck, Wayne A Gillis
- Date: Jun 1967
- Competency: External Forces & Industry Knowledge; Technical Skills & Analytical Problem Solving
- Publication Name: Transactions of the SOA
- Topics: Annuities>Individual annuities; Health & Disability>Disability insurance; Life Insurance
The Supply of Actuaries
The Supply of Actuaries The panel looks at the shortage of actuaries and determines if the solution is the responsibility of the Society, insurance companies and consultants or a joint ...- Authors: Geoffrey Crofts, Robert C Dowsett, Cecil J Nesbitt, Harry M Sarason, Alexander Marshall, E Forrest Estes, Max Bruce Willard Batho, Daton Gilbert
- Date: Jun 1959
- Competency: External Forces & Industry Knowledge
- Publication Name: Transactions of the SOA
- Topics: Actuarial Profession
Development of Corporate Philosophy, Objectives and Strategy
Development of Corporate Philosophy, Objectives and Strategy This session is about the statement of general philosophy, long range and short range objectives, and external forces. From the 1977 ...- Authors: David R Carpenter, Robert C Dowsett, Robert N Houser, Ian M Rolland
- Date: Apr 1977
- Competency: External Forces & Industry Knowledge>General business skills
- Publication Name: Record of the Society of Actuaries
- Topics: Actuarial Profession
Retirement Plans
Retirement Plans This is a discussion about retirement plans and the treasury regulations involved. From Transactions of Society of Actuaries 1963, Vol. 15 Pt. 2 Pension benefits; 1906 1/1/1963 ...- Authors: James A Attwood, Raymond A Bierschbach, John H Biggs, Laurence E Coward, William H Crosson, Robert C Dowsett, Walter L Grace, Richard B Marx, Daniel F McGinn, Albert Pike, John B Stearns, Harry Walker, John F Ryan, John Dyer, Peter M. Tompa, Frederic P Chapman, A Charles Howell, Charles A Yardley, Jean M Lindberg
- Date: Jan 1963
- Competency: External Forces & Industry Knowledge
- Publication Name: Transactions of the SOA
- Topics: Pensions & Retirement>Plan design
Maternity Benefits
Maternity Benefits This discussion addresses the following questions about health insurance maternity benefits: 1. What has been the claim, lapse, and expense experience on hospital-medical ...- Authors: Howard D Allen, John C Angle, Robert C Dowsett, Ralph H Goebel, James J Halloran, J Stanley Hill, Albion U Jenkins, W Allan Keltie, James Lee Lewis, Ernest J Moorhead, LaLander S Norman, Julia Augusta Oldenkamp, Paul T Rotter, William M Snell, William J Taylor, William T Tozer, Robert Walker, Colin Jack, William J November, A B Nelsen, Edwin B. Lancaster, Alfred L Buckman, B Franklin Blair, Alvin B Nelsen, Frank M Bristow, Willard A Thompson, William H Gilbert
- Date: Jan 1963
- Competency: External Forces & Industry Knowledge
- Publication Name: Transactions of the SOA
- Topics: Demography>Gender factors; Health & Disability>Health insurance
Digest of Discussion at Concurrent Sessions
Digest of Discussion at Concurrent Sessions The following topics were discussed at concurrent sessions: 1. Pension benefit security bill, 2. Variable insurance products, 3. Trends in hospital and ...- Authors: William H Aitken, Arthur W Anderson, John C Antliff, James A Attwood, Dwight K Bartlett, Stephen D Bickel, Claude Boily, John M Bragg, Alden W Brosseau, George Brummer, Burton E Burton, Paul A Campbell, George F S Clarke, Donald D Cody, John M Cole, G Ashley Cooper, Laurence E Coward, Raymond L Crapo, Joseph B Crimmins, William Cunningham, James A Curtis, Richard Daskais, Waid J Davidson, Frank P di Paolo, Robert C Dowsett, William A Dreher, Samuel Eckler, Lawrence A Ehrhart, Linda B Emory, Robert G Espie, William A Feeney, Niels H Fischer, John H Flittie, P William Forester, Application Administrator, John J Gianino, Melvin L Gold, Robert B Goode, Myles L Grover, Donald S Grubbs, Albert Gubar, William A Halvorson, Narindra N Handa, S Martin Hickman, Anthony J Houghton, Robert N Houser, William C Hsiao, Harold G Ingraham, John G Ireland, Fenton R Isaacson, A Henry Kunkemueller, Gerald A Levy, Robert F Link, John Macarchuk, John B Massey, Paul J Mason, Daniel J McCarthy, Daniel F McGinn, Walter N Miller, John B Moore, Joseph W Moran, Robert J Myers, James Olsen, Thomas K Pennington, Donald M Peterson, Albert Pike, James L Purdy, Anna M Rappaport, Donald H Reid, Alan Richards, C Ronald Riley, Walter Rugland, Charles Schaller-Kelly, Alan W Sibigtroth, Conrad Siegel, J Darrison Sillesky, Walter W Steffen, Harry L Sutton, John R Taylor, Samuel H Turner, Marc M Twinney, Harry Walker, George N Watson, David A Webster, William White, Ross J Wilson, William C Wirth, John Miller, Charles L. Trowbridge, James Ross Gray, Frank L Griffin, W Harold Bittel, James C H Anderson, H R Dienst, John Dyer, Dale R Gustafson, Paul T Bourdeau, J Edwin Matz, John C Fraser, Walter Klem, Harry E Blagden, Donald R Anderson, Alfred L Buckman, Charles M Sternhell, Edward A Green, Frederick P Sloat, Royal A Johnson, W Gilbert Cook, John C Archibald, Delos H Christian, Schuyler W Tompson, Harold Thompson
- Date: Oct 1969
- Competency: External Forces & Industry Knowledge
- Publication Name: Transactions of the SOA
- Topics: Life Insurance; Pensions & Retirement>Pension legislation and regulation
Digest of Discussion: Ordinary Insurance Problems
Digest of Discussion: Ordinary Insurance Problems Discussion of the 1958 CSO Mortality Table: 1. Considerations regarding continuous functions, age last birthday and changing reserve methods ...- Authors: Robert C Dowsett, Louis Garfin, William E Lewis, John C Maynard, Joseph C Noback, Andrew C Webster
- Date: Jan 1961
- Competency: External Forces & Industry Knowledge>Actuarial theory in business context
- Publication Name: Transactions of the SOA
- Topics: Life Insurance>Reserves - Life Insurance
New Examination Syllabus
New Examination Syllabus This is a discussion about the new examination syllabus. From Transactions of Society of Actuaries 1963, Vol. 15 Pt. 2 1835 11/1/1963 10:40:00 AM ...- Authors: Robert C Dowsett, Ernest J Moorhead, JOHN H MILLER, Andrew C Webster, Bert A Winter, Victor E Henningsen, Wilmer A Jenkins, B Franklin Blair, Leroy T Watkins, Bruce E Shepherd, J Edward Morrison
- Date: Nov 1963
- Publication Name: Transactions of the SOA