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Digest of Discussion of Subjects of Special Interest - Individual Life and Health Insurance
Digest of Discussion of Subjects of Special Interest - Individual Life and Health Insurance This discussion at the San Francisco and Washington 1966 Regional Meetings covers three topics - ...- Authors: Raymond A Bierschbach, Elmer Billman, Wilbur M Bolton, William C Brown, Willis W Burgess, Louis Garfin, Curtis D Greene, J Stanley Hill, Robert N Houser, Storm Johnsen, Wallace R Joyce, Maynard I Kagen, Thomas J Kelly, Oscar R Klein, Frank Klinzman, Ernest J Moorhead, Richard H Morse, Joseph C Noback, Herbert Orenshein, John Price, Anna M Rappaport, George A Reynolds, William Henry Schmidt, Robert Shapland, Richard H Tallman, William T Tozer, Charles N Walker, Benjamin R Whiteley, Ralph E Young, JOHN H MILLER, Warren R Adams, W Harold Bittel, Alton P Morton, Edwin B. Lancaster, Alexander Marshall, Alfred L Buckman, Charles B Baughman, Melvin C Pryce, William B Dandy, Robert N Powell, Stuart F Conrod, Schuyler W Tompson, Maurice H LeVita, Henry F Scheig
- Date: Apr 1966
- Competency: External Forces & Industry Knowledge; Technical Skills & Analytical Problem Solving
- Publication Name: Transactions of the SOA
- Topics: Health & Disability>Disability insurance; Health & Disability>Health insurance; Life Insurance
Equity-Oriented Products
Equity-Oriented Products This is a discussion about equity-oriented product and mutual fund operations. From Transactions of Society of Actuaries 1969, Vol. 21, Pt. 2, No. 59AB Marketing and ...- Authors: William C Brown, John J Byrne, Ardian Gill, Donald S Grubbs, Harold G Ingraham, John T Longmoore, John Macarchuk, G Mitchell, John M Sutherland, Harry Walker, Charles B Baughman, Peter R Wilde, Leslie A Cannon, Robert N Powell
- Date: Apr 1969
- Competency: External Forces & Industry Knowledge
- Publication Name: Transactions of the SOA
- Topics: Annuities>Variable annuities
Variable Annuities and Mutual Funds
Variable Annuities and Mutual Funds This discussion at the SOA 1968 Philadelphia and Los Angeles Regional Meetings compares variable annuitis and mutual funds from a company and customer ...- Authors: John C Antliff, Thomas P Bleakney, Thomas P Bowles, Paul A Campbell, Robert M Duncan, Donald S Grubbs, Richard G Horn, Daniel F McGinn, Bernard Rabinowitz, William Daniel Smith, Walter W Steffen, Charles L. Trowbridge, Peter R Wilde, Donald M Ellis, Robert N Powell
- Date: Apr 1968
- Competency: External Forces & Industry Knowledge
- Publication Name: Transactions of the SOA
- Topics: Annuities>Variable annuities
Employee Benefit Plans
Employee Benefit Plans This is a discussion about employee benefit plans after retirement. The following questions are addressed: 1. To what extent are death benefits and medical benefits for ...- Authors: James F A Biggs, Philip Briggs, James A Curtis, Henry K Knowlton, Daniel F McGinn, Lawrence Mitchell, Harry M Sarason, Charles Thomas, Robert V Young, Gilbert E Kerns, Eugene H Neuschwander, Robert N Powell, George H Briggs, Marcus Gunn
- Date: Jan 1964
- Competency: External Forces & Industry Knowledge
- Publication Name: Transactions of the SOA
- Topics: Life Insurance>Group plans - Life Insurance; Pensions & Retirement>Retiree medical