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Chairperson's Corner
Chairperson's Corner Editorial promoting volunteerism Social insurance;Public finance;Financial security 6442475456 3/1/2017 12:00:00 AM ...- Authors: Steven Bryson
- Date: Mar 2017
- Competency: Leadership>Thought leadership; Professional Values>Public interest representation; Relationship Management>Team leadership
- Publication Name: In The Public Interest
- Topics: Public Policy
Small Plan Design and Funding Issues
Small Plan Design and Funding Issues This discussion at the SOA 1990 Dallas Spring Meeting is about small pension plans and issues unique to them including plan design, funding and IRS audits.- Authors: Bob J Bolin, Steven Bryson, Elaine M Wiant, Gary G Short
- Date: Apr 1990
- Competency: Technical Skills & Analytical Problem Solving
- Publication Name: Record of the Society of Actuaries
- Topics: Pensions & Retirement
Chairperson's Corner
Chairperson's Corner Overview of research project to investigate the extent of funding of public government retiree health programs. assumptions;employee contributions;employer ...- Authors: Steven Bryson
- Date: Aug 2017
- Competency: Professional Values>Public interest representation
- Publication Name: In The Public Interest
- Topics: Health & Disability>Public financing - Health & Disability; Pensions & Retirement>Retiree medical; Public Policy
OPEB Research Update
OPEB Research Update Overview of a new research project undertaken by SIPF on the topic of OPEB funding in the US. Retiree medical;Government-funded healthcare;Health economics;Public finance ...- Authors: Steven Bryson
- Date: Sep 2016
- Competency: Professional Values>Public interest representation
- Publication Name: In The Public Interest
- Topics: Health & Disability
Internal Revenue Code Section 415 Limits
Internal Revenue Code Section 415 Limits Discusses plan design and funding issues – for small and large plans – arising from changes to the Section 415 limits, including: transition rules, ...- Authors: Steven Bryson, Robert F Drozd, David R Kass, Donald Segal, Susan M Smith
- Date: Apr 1988
- Competency: Professional Values>Practice expertise
- Publication Name: Record of the Society of Actuaries
- Topics: Pensions & Retirement>Pension legislation and regulation
Conversations with Your Uncle
Conversations with Your Uncle 1994 SOA Meeting, San Antonio. This session provided an update from representatives of the IRS and the Department of the Treasury on several topics including: ...- Authors: Steven Bryson, Kathryn G Marticello, Harlan M Weller
- Date: Jun 1994
- Competency: External Forces & Industry Knowledge
- Publication Name: Record of the Society of Actuaries
- Topics: Pensions & Retirement>Pension legislation and regulation; Public Policy; Public Policy