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Marketing Research: Actuaries Serving Individuals
Marketing Research: Actuaries Serving Individuals A study funded by the Committee on Finance Research of the Society of Actuaries on actuaries serving individuals. Focus would be on consulting to ...- Authors: Teresa Winer, Susan Nassar
- Date: Aug 1999
- Competency: Professional Values>Public interest representation
- Topics: Actuarial Profession
Marketing of the Profession
Marketing of the Profession From a session at a meeting of the Society of Actuaries held in Las Vegas, NV May 22-24, 2000 The American Academy of Actuaries had put together an ad hoc task ...- Authors: Paul Bruce, Teresa Winer, Susan Nassar
- Date: May 2000
- Competency: Communication>Persuasive communication; Leadership>Influence; Leadership>Professional network leverage; Strategic Insight and Integration>Strategy development
- Publication Name: Record of the Society of Actuaries
- Topics: Actuarial Profession>Academic partnerships; Actuarial Profession>Professional associations; Actuarial Profession>Professional development
Marketing Research: Actuaries Serving Individuals
Marketing Research: Actuaries Serving Individuals This paper, part of the Society of Actuaries [SOA} ‘Research Projects – Finance/Investment,’ sponsored by the SOA Committee on Finance Research, ...- Authors: Teresa Winer, Susan Nassar
- Date: May 2000