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Use of Managed Care in Long-Term Care Insurance Contracts
Use of Managed Care in Long-Term Care Insurance Contracts Panelists discuss the pros and cons of using a care manager in order to receive either benefits or enhanced benefits in long term care ...- Authors: Donald Charsky, Dawn E Helwig, Peggy Hauser
- Date: Jun 1998
- Competency: External Forces & Industry Knowledge>Actuarial methods in business operations; External Forces & Industry Knowledge>Actuarial theory in business context; Technical Skills & Analytical Problem Solving>Process and technique refinement
- Publication Name: Record of the Society of Actuaries
- Topics: Long-term Care>Chronic health management - Long-term Care; Long-term Care>Long-term care insurance; Long-term Care>Medical expenses; Social Insurance>Medicaid
The Age Wave, the Ocean State, and Long-Term Care
The Age Wave, the Ocean State, and Long-Term Care Rhode Island’s unique “global Medicaid waiver” pursues a potentially dangerous national policy trend: long-term care LTC rebalancing without ...- Authors: Stephen Moses
- Date: Dec 2009
- Competency: Communication>Persuasive communication; Leadership>Thought leadership; Professional Values>Public interest representation; Results-Oriented Solutions>Actionable recommendations
- Publication Name: Long-Term Care News
- Topics: Long-term Care>Medical expenses; Long-term Care>Public financing - Long-term Care; Long-term Care>Long-term care facilities & home care; Public Policy; Social Insurance>Medicaid
Visions for the Future of the U.S. Health Care System – e-book of essays
Visions for the Future of the U.S. Health Care System – e-book of essays A glossary of terms. Antiselection;Cancer;Coinsurance;Health insurance;Medicaid;Medical expenses;Medicare;Portability; ...- Authors: Society of Actuaries
- Date: Jun 2009
- Competency: External Forces & Industry Knowledge
- Topics: Health & Disability>Health care; Health & Disability>Health insurance; Long-term Care>Medical expenses; Reinsurance; Reinsurance>Coinsurance; Social Insurance>Medicaid; Social Insurance>Medicare; Social Insurance>Social Security
Health Reform - A Proposal
Health Reform - A Proposal Essay reforming healthcare where participants have a vested interest in reaching the best answer. Cancer;Diabetes;Employee contributions;Employer contributions;Health ...- Authors: Timothy Luedtke
- Date: Jun 2009
- Competency: Communication>Persuasive communication; Communication>Written communication; External Forces & Industry Knowledge; Leadership>Influence; Leadership>Thought leadership; Professional Values>Public interest representation; Strategic Insight and Integration
- Topics: Enterprise Risk Management>Compliance; Health & Disability>Health care; Health & Disability>Health care quality; Health & Disability>Health insurance; Life Insurance; Life Insurance>Underwriting - Life Insurance; Life Insurance>Whole life; Long-term Care>Medical expenses; Pensions & Retirement>Funding; Social Insurance>Medicaid; Social Insurance>Medicare; Social Insurance>Social Security; Health & Disability>Electronic medical record
Visions for the Future of the U.S. Health Care System - Health Reform, American Style
Visions for the Future of the U.S. Health Care System - Health Reform, American Style Essay offers a vision of health care where everyone is covered, everyone is eligible, receives fair pricing, ...- Authors: Hobson Carroll
- Date: Jun 2009
- Competency: Communication>Persuasive communication; Communication>Written communication; Leadership>Influence; Leadership>Thought leadership
- Topics: Health & Disability>Health care; Long-term Care>Medical expenses; Public Policy; Reinsurance; Reinsurance>Coinsurance; Reinsurance>Pricing - Reinsurance; Social Insurance>Medicaid; Social Insurance>Medicare