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The Interrelationship Among Inflation Rates, Salary Rates, Interest Rates, and Pension Costs
The Interrelationship Among Inflation Rates, Salary Rates, Interest Rates, and Pension Costs This paper examines tandem levels of salary and interest rates and finds that the absolute level of ...- Authors: Glenn D Allison, Barnet N Berin, Donald P Harrington, Brian Arthur Jones, Richard Kischuk, Robert F Link, Howard E Winklevoss, Charles L. Trowbridge, Miguel A Ramirez
- Date: Oct 1975
- Competency: Technical Skills & Analytical Problem Solving>Process and technique refinement
- Publication Name: Transactions of the SOA
- Topics: Modeling & Statistical Methods>Sensitivity testing; Pensions & Retirement>Assumptions and methods
Dynamic Solvency Handbook
Dynamic Solvency Handbook 1994 SOA meeting, Orlando. This session is about the committee's dynamic solvency handbook and their progress to date. Topics discussed: 1. Should ...- Authors: Allan Brender, Shane A Chalke, Frederick W Jackson, Stephen Reddy, James Reiskytl, John D Stiefel
- Date: Apr 1994
- Competency: Technical Skills & Analytical Problem Solving
- Publication Name: Record of the Society of Actuaries
- Topics: Modeling & Statistical Methods>Dynamic simulation models; Modeling & Statistical Methods>Sensitivity testing
Measuring Subsidization in LTC
Measuring Subsidization in LTC Although rate structures where low-cost cohorts subsidize high cost cohorts may be justified from a actuarial, marketing, or legal standpoint, the subsidization ...- Authors: Roger Loomis
- Date: May 2009
- Competency: External Forces & Industry Knowledge>Actuarial methods in business operations; Strategic Insight and Integration>Effective decision-making; Technical Skills & Analytical Problem Solving>Problem analysis and definition
- Publication Name: Long-Term Care News
- Topics: Actuarial Profession>Best practices; Enterprise Risk Management>Risk measurement - ERM; Modeling & Statistical Methods>Sensitivity testing; Technology & Applications>Analytics and informatics
RILA GLWB Designs and Market Risk Analysis
RILA GLWB Designs and Market Risk Analysis An overview of guaranteed lifetime withdrawal benefits (GLWB) on registered index-linkedannuity (RILA) products and a stochastic analysis of market ...- Authors: Matthew Kevin Heaphy, Nicholas Carbo, David J Elliott
- Date: May 2023
- Competency: Results-Oriented Solutions; Technical Skills & Analytical Problem Solving
- Publication Name: Product Matters!
- Topics: Annuities; Annuities>Equity-indexed annuities; Annuities>Guaranteed living benefits; Modeling & Statistical Methods; Modeling & Statistical Methods>Sensitivity testing; Modeling & Statistical Methods>Stochastic models; Annuities>Deferred annuities; Annuities>Living / Death benefit riders
2012 AAT Survey Results
2012 AAT Survey Results Survey of appointed actuaries about asset adequacy testing techniques currently being used in 2012. Cash flow testing 4294993415 11/30/2012 12:00:00 AM ...- Authors: Society of Actuaries
- Date: Nov 2012
- Competency: Professional Values>Practice expertise; Technical Skills & Analytical Problem Solving>Process and technique refinement
- Topics: Finance & Investments>Asset liability management; Life Insurance>Policyholder behavior - Life Insurance; Life Insurance>Reserves - Life Insurance; Modeling & Statistical Methods>Asset modeling; Modeling & Statistical Methods>Scenario generation; Modeling & Statistical Methods>Sensitivity testing; Modeling & Statistical Methods>Stochastic models
Session 058: Does It Really Work? - Validating Predictive Models
Session 058: Does It Really Work? - Validating Predictive Models You’ve built or updated a predictive model. Is it any good? How can you interpret and understand its predictions? How does it ...- Date: Jul 2019
- Competency: Technical Skills & Analytical Problem Solving
- Topics: Modeling & Statistical Methods>Sensitivity testing; Predictive Analytics>Modeling techniques
Longevity Catalysts
Longevity Catalysts This article describes some of the drawbacks to the assessment of longevity risk adopted by most practitioners within the UK together with an initiative that provides a ...- Authors: Society of Actuaries
- Date: Aug 2014
- Competency: External Forces & Industry Knowledge>Actuarial methods in business operations; Technical Skills & Analytical Problem Solving>Incorporate risk management; Technical Skills & Analytical Problem Solving>Innovative solutions; Technical Skills & Analytical Problem Solving>Process and technique refinement
- Publication Name: Reinsurance News
- Topics: Demography>Longevity; Experience Studies & Data>Mortality; Modeling & Statistical Methods>Forecasting; Modeling & Statistical Methods>Scenario generation; Modeling & Statistical Methods>Sensitivity testing
Is Now the Time for Reinsurers to Enter LTCi?
Is Now the Time for Reinsurers to Enter LTCi? A recent Society of Actuaries study calculates safety and stability for current Long Term Care Insurance premiums. Long-term care ...- Authors: Marc Glickman
- Date: Mar 2016
- Competency: External Forces & Industry Knowledge>Actuarial methods in business operations; External Forces & Industry Knowledge>Actuarial theory in business context; Results-Oriented Solutions>Actionable recommendations; Technical Skills & Analytical Problem Solving>Innovative solutions
- Publication Name: Reinsurance News
- Topics: Experience Studies & Data>Long-term care - Experience Studies & Data; Experience Studies & Data>Morbidity; Experience Studies & Data>Mortality; Long-term Care>Long-term care insurance; Modeling & Statistical Methods>Sensitivity testing; Modeling & Statistical Methods>Simulation; Reinsurance>Pricing - Reinsurance
Actuarial Model Component Design
Actuarial Model Component Design The article describes the key components of actuarial model, leading practices in designing them, and characteristics of well-built models. Asset modeling; ...- Authors: Bill Cember, Jeffrey Yoon
- Date: Nov 2017
- Competency: Results-Oriented Solutions>Actionable recommendations; Technical Skills & Analytical Problem Solving>Innovative solutions; Technical Skills & Analytical Problem Solving>Problem analysis and definition; Technical Skills & Analytical Problem Solving>Process and technique refinement
- Publication Name: The Modeling Platform
- Topics: Modeling & Statistical Methods>Asset modeling; Modeling & Statistical Methods>Deterministic models; Modeling & Statistical Methods>Forecasting; Modeling & Statistical Methods>Sensitivity testing; Modeling & Statistical Methods>Stochastic models
June Webinar Topic: Sensitivity Testing and Setting Margins, Plus a Fully Stochastic PBR Method
June Webinar Topic: Sensitivity Testing and Setting Margins, Plus a Fully Stochastic PBR Method Describes using the new multi-risk scenario generator to create sensitivity tests at moderately ...- Authors: Mark Birdsall
- Date: Sep 2017
- Competency: Professional Values>Practice expertise; Technical Skills & Analytical Problem Solving>Innovative solutions; Technical Skills & Analytical Problem Solving>Process and technique refinement
- Publication Name: Small Talk
- Topics: Life Insurance>Reserves - Life Insurance; Modeling & Statistical Methods>Scenario generation; Modeling & Statistical Methods>Sensitivity testing; Modeling & Statistical Methods>Stochastic models