2023 Life Reinsurance Survey

By Anthony Ferraro and Lloyd Spencer

Reinsurance News, December 2024

Photograph of a businessman sitting at desk with a laptop on it holding a magnifying glass that has the letters AI in the center of it.

About the Survey

The SOA Reinsurance Section has completed its 2023 Life Reinsurance Survey, an annual assessment of the individual life and group life reinsurance market data of U.S. and Canadian life insurers. Survey results are based on financial information self-reported by the reinsurers of their reinsurance business assumed, and includes new business and portfolio production and in-force figures broken into the following categories:

  • Recurring reinsurance: Conventional reinsurance covering insurance policies with issue dates in the year reinsured. For example, insurance policies issued and reinsured in 2023.
  • Portfolio reinsurance: Reinsurance covering insurance policies with issue dates in a year prior to the year in which they were reinsured (whether traditional or financial reinsurance). For example, consider a group of policies issued from the period 2016–2019 but reinsured in 2023.
  • Recurring Retrocession reinsurance: Reinsurance of business not directly issued by the ceding company, with issue dates in the year in which it was retroceded (for example, insurance policies issued, reinsured, and retroceded in 2023).
  • New for this year’s survey is Portfolio Retrocession reinsurance: Reinsurance of insurance policies with issue dates in a year prior to the year in which they were retroceded (for example, issued prior to 2023 but retroceded in 2023).

The latter two categories represent business that is usually ceded by a reinsurer, and can be thought of as “reinsurance of reinsurance,” or retrocession. Individual life results are based on net amount at risk, while the group life results are based on premium in force. The figures are quoted in the currency of origin. All traditional life reinsurers in North America were contacted and chose to participate in this year’s survey. Table 1 summarizes the results from the 2023 SOA Reinsurance Section’s Life Reinsurance Survey.

Table 1
U.S. and Canadian Reinsurance Landscape


*NOTE: The Canadian Group Retrocession amounts (Recurring and Portfolio) are too small to display

The remainder of this article discusses this year’s results in more detail, analyzes overall life reinsurance trends, and looks ahead to issues to be considered in future surveys.

United States—Individual Life

Recurring New Business

Recurring individual life new business volume in 2023 grew for the eighth consecutive year, from U.S.$621.1 billion in 2022 to U.S.$661.9 billion in 2023 (a 6.6% increase). One contributing factor to the increased volume of U.S. individual life reinsurance is the continued growth in accelerated underwriting programs, and the expansion of face amounts available under these programs. These factors elicit support from reinsurers in product and program development, as well as in risk sharing.

Figure 1 shows the annual percentage change in U.S. recurring new business production over the last 10 years, illustrating sustained upward trends over the past six years. Since the end of the most recent decline in the U.S. individual life reinsurance market in 2015, individual life recurring new business has grown at a compound annual growth rate of just over 6 percent.

Figure 1
U.S. Percentage Change in Recurring New Business 2014–2023


In 2023, just under 82 percent of recurring new business volume was yearly renewable term (YRT) and just over 18 percent was coinsurance, remaining consistent with prior years’ survey results.

To estimate an overall cession rate for the life reinsurance industry, we compare new direct life sales to new recurring reinsurance production. According to LIMRA,[1] direct individual life insurance sales in 2023 rose by 6.9 percent (based on face amount), reversing the single-year drop observed in 2022. Taking these figures together with the surveyed life reinsurance production levels results in an estimated cession rate for the industry of 34 percent for 2023, matching the rate observed in 2022. As seen in Figure 2, the estimated cession rate increased steadily from a low of 25 percent in 2015 to 34 percent (first observed in 2022).

Figure 2


The top five U.S. individual life reinsurers by market share represent 83 percent of 2023 reinsurance production (the same as in the prior two survey years)—see Table 2 for the information by reinsurer.

Table 2
U.S. Recurring Individual Life Volume (US$ billions)


Swiss Re maintained its market share lead over all reinsurers in recurring U.S. individual life reinsurance new business volume at U.S.$150 billion (a 3 percent increase over 2022/a 23 percent market share). RGA saw a significant jump in its recurring volume assumed (U.S.$149 billion/a 22 percent market share), while the next three largest reinsurers by market share were Munich Re (U.S.$109 billion/a 16 percent market share), SCOR (U.S.$90 billion/a 14 percent market share) and Gen Re (U.S.$53 billion/an 8 percent market share). Six reinsurers reported increases in recurring new business volumes versus 2022. 

Portfolio New Business

For the purposes of this survey, portfolio reinsurance is defined to include in-force blocks of business as well as financial reinsurance transactions. This definition can produce large fluctuations from year to year in reported portfolio new business results. Portfolio new business increased from U.S.$124 billion in 2022 to U.S.$220 billion in 2022. Swiss Re accounted for U.S.$176 billion (80 percent market share) of the 2023 portfolio new business followed by Munich Re at U.S.$37 billion (17 percent market share) and RGA at U.S.$7 billion (3 percent market share).

Figure 3 illustrates the portfolio new business written over the last 10 years, which highlights the volatility of the volume of portfolio new business written in any particular calendar year.

Figure 3


Recurring Retrocession

Following analysis of the 2022 Survey, a decision was made to split the retrocession results into two reporting categories—recurring retrocession and portfolio retrocession. Recurring retrocession volumes are considerably smaller than recurring new business and portfolio new business volumes. From 2005 to 2015, overall retrocession production in the U.S. had been on a downswing, dropping from U.S.$43 billion in 2005 to U.S.$5 billion in 2015. 2023 recurring retrocession volume was just over U.S.$4 billion, up from the U.S.$3 billion of volume reported in 2022. The primary recurring retrocessionaires in the U.S. market include Berkshire Hathaway Group and Equitable.

Portfolio Retrocession

The 2022 Survey included reporting of a significant portfolio retrocession transaction that was atypical of recent retrocession market activity, both in the nature of the transaction and the volume of business written. As a result of this transaction, portfolio retrocession market activity is now reported separately. 2023 portfolio retrocession volume was reported at U.S.$3 billion, down from the reported volume of U.S.$573 billion in 2022. The only reinsurer active in the 2023 portfolio retrocession market was Pacific Life Re.

Canada—Individual Life

Recurring New Business

Recurring individual life reinsurance new business in Canada increased for the ninth consecutive year in 2023, growing from C$217 billion in 2022 to C$218 billion in 2023 (up 0.4 percent). Figure 4 shows the annual percentage change in recurring reinsurance new business over the last 10 years. Since 2015, recurring Canadian new business has grown at a 5.5 percent compound annual growth rate.

Figure 4
Percentage Change in Recurring Canadian New Business 2014–2023


According to LIMRA,[2] Canadian direct individual life sales (on a face amount basis) decreased slightly in 2023 when compared to 2022, by 0.3 percent. The estimated cession rate for 2023, which is based on a comparison of direct life sales to recurring reinsurance volumes, remained unchanged from 2022 levels at 72 percent. Canadian cession rates continue to be much higher than the levels reported in the U.S, as is illustrated in Figure 5.

Figure 5


The top three individual life reinsurers in the Canadian market during 2023 (based on market share) were RGA, Munich Re, and PartnerRe. Together, these three reinsurers hold a 71 percent market share. RGA topped recurring new business writers by reporting C$58 billion of written volume in 2023 (down 5 percent over 2022). Munich Re followed with C$53 billion (12 percent increase from 2022), followed by PartnerRe with C$44 billion (3 percent increase from 2022). Of the eight reinsurers reporting in the 2023 survey, four reported increases in recurring new business volumes from 2022 to 2023. Table 3 summarizes assumed volumes and market share by reinsurer for 2022 and 2023.

Table 3
Canada Recurring Individual Life Volume (C$ billions)


Portfolio New Business

Munich Re was the only Canadian reinsurer reporting portfolio new business in 2023, totaling C$3.5 billion.

Recurring Retrocession

The recurring retrocession market in Canada is limited; Berkshire Hathaway reported C$1.9 billion in volume written in 2023, down from the C$2.4 billion they reported in 2022.

Portfolio Retrocession

The portfolio retrocession market in Canada is also limited; Pacific Life Re reported C$4.5 billion in volume written in 2023, flat versus the volume they reported in 2022.

United States—Group Life

U.S. group life reinsurers reported U.S.$9.8 billion of in-force premium at the end of 2023, down 2 percent from the U.S.$10.0 billion reported at the end of 2022. Recurring new business accounted for U.S.$0.8 billion of the total, up 6 percent when compared to 2022, while portfolio business and a very small amount of retrocession accounted for the remaining U.S.$9.0 billion balance.    

According to data presented in Figure 6, recurring new business in force grew 21 percent from year-end 2014 to year-end 2023, which represents a compound annual growth rate of just under 2 percent. 

Figure 6
U.S. In Force Recurring New Business Group Premiums


As illustrated in Table 4, the top four reinsurers in this market are Swiss Re, Munich Re, RGA and SCOR. Collectively, these reinsurers account for a 90 percent market share.

Table 4
U.S. Traditional In Force Group Premiums ($US millions)


In force group portfolio premium totaled U.S.$9.0 billion in 2023, down 2 percent from the U.S.$9.2 billion reported in 2022. Canada Life Reinsurance reported U.S.$8.5 billion in portfolio premium in 2023, down slightly from the U.S.$8.7 billion reported in 2022. Munich Re reported just under U.S.$0.5 billion in 2023, down slightly from its reported 2022 value.

Canada—Group Life

Group life reinsurers reported C$91 million of in-force premium at year-end 2023, down 8 percent when compared to year-end 2022 levels. The group life market in Canada is dominated by Munich Re and RGA, who together account for a 90 percent recurring market share (see Table 5). Of the five reinsurers reporting material volume, four reported decreases in traditional in-force premium at year-end 2023 versus year-end 2022.

Table 5
Canada Traditional In Force Group Premiums ($C millions)


Munich Re reported portfolio new business activity of C$22 million in 2023 versus no activity reported in 2022. A very small amount of recurring retrocession activity was reported by Berkshire Hathaway in 2023 that was flat when compared to 2022 activity.


Future life reinsurance financial results in 2024 and beyond will be influenced by a range of factors, including the continuing evolution of U.S. and Canadian mortality experience, developing economic factors such as inflation and interest rates, expansion of accelerated underwriting programs, changing technology, regulatory, legal and accounting landscapes, and continued mergers & acquisitions activity in the individual life insurance and annuity space. Life reinsurers are positioned to provide effective support for direct life insurance companies in addressing the challenges posed by these factors. Reinsurers’ expertise goes beyond traditional mortality and risk selection and includes financial reinsurance as well as value-added expertise in areas such as product development, underwriting operations, predictive analytics and risk selection, post-issue monitoring, and risk management. This expertise and support can be invaluable to direct writers as many look to expand their offerings, improve their outreach to consumers, and enhance controls. Reinsurance also remains a valuable tool for efficient capital and volatility management. Financial reinsurance structures and reinsurance of in-force blocks, either for non-core businesses or as a means to manage profitability, also continue to be attractive levers for direct writers.

In recent years, the life reinsurance market has begun to evolve as new entrants have begun to assume portfolio annuity (and, more recently) portfolio individual life insurance blocks of business. These entrants use reinsurance as a tool to bring new assets to their investment portfolios while providing capital and surplus relief to the direct life insurance company from which the business is reinsured. Often backed by private equity, these companies have not historically participated in the Society of Actuaries Life Reinsurance Survey because they were not considered to be reinsurers. The SOA Reinsurance Section Council continues to explore ways to assess this emerging market.

Thank you to all the reinsurers that participated in this year’s survey. Complete results are available here.

Note that Munich Re prepared this survey on behalf of the Society of Actuaries Reinsurance Section as a service to section members. The contributing companies provide the data in response to the survey. The data is not audited, and Munich Re, the Society of Actuaries and the Reinsurance Section take no responsibility for the accuracy of the figures.

Statements of fact and opinions expressed herein are those of the individual authors and are not necessarily those of the Society of Actuaries, the newsletter editors, or the respective authors’ employers.

Anthony Ferraro, FSA, MAAA, is senior vice president, Individual Life Reinsurance at Munich Re Life US. He can be reached at aferraro@munichre.com.

Lloyd Spencer, FSA, CERA, is senior market intelligence lead, Individual Life Reinsurance at Munich Re Life US. He can be reached at lspencer@munichre.com.


[1] LIMRA’s “U.S. Individual Life Insurance Sales, Industry Estimates (1975 – 2023),” published in 2024

[2] LIMRA’s “Canadian Individual Life Insurance Sales Technical Supplement, Fourth Quarter 2023,” published in 2024