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Microinsurance in a Nutshell: Only for Africa?



Isaac Senior Damptey, ASA, FCA, ACIA
United Actuaries & Consultants
Renata De Leers, United Actuaries & Consultants
Francis Gota, United Actuaries & Consultants


The journey for microinsurance, nowadays called inclusive insurance, started a long time ago and is not complete in the majority of the low-income and low middle-income markets. When seeking to enhance inclusive insurance markets, it is useful and necessary to have a good understanding because it entails a different treatment of customers, distribution, products, pricing, client management, premium collection, claims declaration and settlement, and reporting.


Microinsurance in a Nutshell: Only for Africa?


Microinsurance in a Nutshell: Only for Africa

Thank You

The researchers’ deepest gratitude goes to those without whose efforts this project could not have come to fruition: the Project Oversight Group for their diligent work overseeing, reviewing and editing this report for accuracy and relevance.

Project Oversight Group members:

Hicham El Ghazi
Charles-Antoine Morency, FSA, FCIA
Kevin Pledge, FSA, FIA
Fanilo Randrianarizay
Courage Rashamira
Mujtaba Ali Shaikh

At the Society of Actuaries Research Institute:

Korrel Crawford, Senior Research Administrator
David Schraub, FSA, MAAA, CERA, Senior Practice Research Actuary

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